Site icon Renzo Mischianti

Article on E220 modules mixes E220 / E22 / E32

Hi, I'm totally new to LORA and ordered two Ebyte E220-900T22D modules. After cross-reading on the articles here, I finally understood what confused me in the beginning (and still is a little bit). Within the article Ebyte LoRa E220 LLCC68 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: specs and basic use – 1 the E22 / E32 and E220 modules are mixed up. Whilst for the graphics this may be not easily fixed, for the text it would be helpful. Just as an example: In the section "Connecting esp32 for a basic usage" whilst the article is about the E220. I got it now that all three of them should be pin-compatible, but when you are totally new to the topic, the mixing of modules is a little bit confusing. Also in the connection diagram for the ESP32 there is a jumper cable for V3.3 to the upper V3.3 rail of the bread board missing. I am still confused about the AUX pin: I the table you are saying it is not connected but in the diagram it is connected to 3.3V and a 4,7k pull-up resistor. So what would be the correct way to deal with AUX? Anyway, thank you very much for your effort in providing this module / these modules for us! I really appreciate it. Best Sascha
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