Asynchronous Transmission Using E220-900T22D
Hello there,
I have been trying to debug an issue for quite a while now but cannot seem to find a solution for it. I am designing a pretty large software where various tasks need to be completed/checked especially at a high frequency, one of them (tasks) being to send telemetry data via the E220 Ebyte Lora module.
Unfortunately, for some reason, this stops all the processes until the transmission is sent. All of my tasks are formatted to be in a non-blocking form or asynchronous through the use of system timing, but even when I implemented it for the module, it still stops all tasks from going forward, which makes me believe that the library is inherently synchronous.
I hope you understand my current situation and I hope someone has a solution for this.
I have tested and used your library for a while now to communicate between 2 Lora modules but have yet to find a solution to this. I know that the RadioLib library allows for asynchronous transmission yet I cannot get it to work with the E220-900T22D Lora module.
I hope to hear from someone soon.