Calculate message transmission time
1) What is the best technique to calculate message transmission time?
2) Is it possible to calculate the transmission time using a 100 Mhz Oscilloscope, with the probe in the antenna connector? Or is it only possible to calculate the transmission time using a Spector Analyzer?
3) Which E220 settings directly impact message transmission time? Just the SpeedAirDataRate?
4) I need this information to try to identify the transmission time of a message sent by the E220, with the following characteristics:
E220 - 920 Mhz Channel
SpeedAirDataRate : 0 -> 9.6k (AIR_DATA_RATE_100_96)
OptionSubPacketSett: 1 -> 32 bytes (SPS_032_11)
Message Size: 15 bytes
and Message Size: 20 bytes
This information is important, as there are countries that only allow transmissions lasting up to 400 milliseconds.