struct Message {
chartype[5] = "1";
byte amp1[5];
byte volt1[6];
} message;
struct Message {
chartype[5] = "2";
byte amp2[5];
byte volt2[6];
} message;
struct Message {
chartype[5] = "3";
byte amp3[5];
byte volt3[6];
} message;
The receiver receives the data from the 3 senders well, but there are times that I lose messages.
I want to use the function, ResponseContainer rs = e32ttl.receiveMessageUntil(); to read each structure individually.
Can I use the function, ResponseContainer rs = e32ttl.receiveMessageUntil(); to receive a structure or only be used to receive a string?
Thank you. Data structure lost
Hello, I am using four E22-900T22D, three as transmitters and one as receiver, each transmitter sends a data structure every 2 seconds: