Site icon Renzo Mischianti

E22-900T22S SF and other settings for hub.

Hello I started using this E22-900T22S to broadcast data to a hub. I got the example working between two e22-900T devices. However once I tried to configure hub to receive messages from E22-900T22S. I ran into issues. Basically it looks like there is no way to read full SX1262 parameters through the middleman MCU, thus I have issue that I don't know what parameters to set in the generic lora hub I have. Not even spreading factor. Does anyone know how to deal with this. Is this one of those ''closed hardware'' things where only manufacturers hubs and devices work as receivers? So far options I have considered but not yet executed. * Removing shielding and sniff data between SX and the mcu on the board * Replace E22-900T22S with E22-900M22S and talk with SX1262 directly through SPI bypassing your library entirely sadly. Would be great full for any suggestions. -RDs
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