E32-433T30D Receiving Struct Problem
Hi, I'm trying to communicate two e32-433t30d devices. Firstly, I started to communicate easy data. Like counter, I declared a counter and sent it to the other devices. And increase my counter. This example worked fine. I have no problem with my communication. However, the communication became confusing when I tried to send the structure. I can create a struct in the transmitter and fill it with sensor data (BMP280 and MPU9250). After that, I send it, and I can get a success message. But when I started to run my receiver code. I can get a data packet, but the data are wrong. They are some random numbers.
I used the FTDI USB-TTL Convertor to supply my RF modules with 5V. And I'm using blackpill V2.0 for my transmitter and bluepill for my receiver.
I added my main file and rf file. I don't organize my code. I'm sorry about that. If you can help me resolve my problem, it will be wonderful.