E32 TTL100 AUX never outputs HIGH
Hello to anyone reading,
I'm working on a small project where I use two identical E32 ttl100 modules to communicate with each other. They are both run by teensy's. Yesterday night I managed to set and read parameter data from the module, this made me immensely happy. I checked it on my oscilloscope and it looked very similar to the diagrams in the datasheet.
So I went to bed, came back to it this morning and I came across something strange.
The AUX pin on the modules stays LOW. It only goes high for a few ms when I power the module on (3.3v) but then goes straight back to LOW. What makes it even weirder to me is that I can still send the (3x C1 C1 C1) bytes and I get the saved parameters in return. I can also still do the C0 + working parameters and that works as well. But the whole time the AUX pin of the module is outputting LOW. (Viewed on my oscilloscope)
I tried the other module and the same behavior occurs. I am starting to get the feeling that the E32 module is stuck in some reboot loop, or somehow is being flooded on the same address and channel (wouldn't know how), but I'm getting desperate.
I tried disconnecting all the pins from the teensy and then powering the E32 module up with 3.3v and just checking the aux pin but it stays LOW.
Pinout as followed: (Teensy 3.5)
M0 <---> 24 (OUTPUT)
M1 <---> 25 (OUTPUT)
TXD <---> 27 (RX1) Pull-Up
RXD <---> 26 (TX1) Pull-Up
AUX <---> 35 (INPUT)
I'm hoping someone has come across the same problem and/or has found a reason and solution to it.
I left out my code from this post seeing as I have managed to isolate the problem to outside my code. Please let me know if you need to know more.