16:11:34.388 -> miltiple destination and attachments
16:11:34.388 -> Insecure client:0
16:11:34.435 -> smtp.laposte.net
16:11:34.435 -> 587
16:11:34.528 -> 220 mlpnf0118.laposte.net ESMTP **************************
16:11:34.574 -> HELO mischianti
16:11:34.574 -> 250 mlpnf0118.laposte.net
16:11:34.622 -> AUTH LOGIN:
16:11:34.622 -> 334 dJ5fgr;m
16:11:34.670 -> Encoding
16:11:34.670 -> mail@laposte.net
16:11:34.670 -> 26
16:11:34.670 -> Z21dlmfskgùzeùzer5654dgsfgzkl!
16:11:34.717 -> Encoding
16:11:34.764 -> mail@laposte.net
16:11:34.811 -> 26
16:11:34.811 -> 334 Tg4Sjr000
16:11:34.811 -> Encoding
16:11:34.811 -> password
16:11:34.811 -> 13
16:11:34.811 -> password encoded
16:11:34.857 -> Encoding
16:11:34.857 -> password
16:11:34.903 -> 13
16:11:34.903 -> 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
16:11:34.950 -> MAIL FROM: <mail@laposte.net>
16:11:34.950 -> 250 2.1.0 Ok
16:11:34.995 -> RCPT TO: <encore_un_emailn@gmail.com>
16:11:35.043 -> 250 2.1.5 Ok
16:11:35.043 -> RCPT TO: <un_autre_email.net>
16:11:35.091 -> 250 2.1.5 Ok
16:11:35.091 -> RCPT TO: <un_email.fr>
16:11:35.139 -> 250 2.1.5 Ok
16:11:35.139 -> DATA:
16:11:35.139 -> 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
16:11:35.186 -> Array: MARS2023.csv
16:11:35.233 -> --frontier
16:11:35.233 -> Content-Type:
16:11:35.280 -> text/csv
16:11:35.280 -> ; charset="UTF-8"
16:11:35.280 -> Readed filename: MARS2023.csv
16:11:35.327 -> SD Check
16:11:37.323 -> Statut de l'envoi avec piece jointe :
16:11:37.323 -> 0
16:11:37.323 -> resp Code: 500
16:11:37.323 -> Description : Error on startup SD filesystem!
I tried without attachment, it works fine.
The micro SD is not damaged, I can download the content of the MARS2023.CSV file via the internet, I do not write to the file when it is sent, I have tried other files without success,... .
And with other programs it works well and yet I copied the original code which worked the only difference I see is that the program with the problem is a wind speed measurement which uses interrupts to count the number of pulses of the anemometer...
THANKS emailsender error 500 with Error on startup SD filesystem!
Hello, I come back (again) on an emailSender error code problem!
Does anyone have the detailed list of possible error code emitted by emailSender?
Otherwise more particularly currently I have a problem with sending an attachment, the return code is: 500 with an Error on startup SD filesystem!