Site icon Renzo Mischianti

EmailSender sending mail with Gmail does not work

Hello, I have a little problem sending mail from an Arduino Mega and a W5500 (or W1500) shield with the Emailsender version library: 3.0.9 or 3.0.11 and Gmail messaging! With an email on no worries. I configured this in the sketch:
String sender ="Anemometer";
uint16_t SMTP_PORT = 587;
const char* smtp_server = ""; // your mail address smtp server
const char* email_login = ""; // your sender email address
const char* email_from = ""; // Your email address
const char* name_from = sender.c_str(); //transformation from string to const char*
const char* email_password = "secure password";
I get this as an error code: 235 : Insecure client:0 12:54:24.719 -> 12:54:24.719 -> 587 12:54:24.765 -> 220 ESMTP b8-20020a5d4d88000000b002c70e60eb40sm12475582wru.11 - gsmtp 12:54:24.860 -> HELO mischianti 12:54:24.860 -> 250 at your service 12:54:24.908 -> AUTH LOGIN: 12:54:24.908 -> 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. b8-20020a5d4d88000000b002c70e60eb40sm12475582wru.11 - gsmtp 12:54:25.047 -> Encoding 12:54:25.047 -> 12:54:25.094 -> 29 12:54:25.094 -> Q24lsbVzLm1hbmhpBnZvaXJpQk8nbWFpbC5jb2z= 12:54:25.094 -> Encoding 12:54:25.141 -> 12:54:25.188 -> 29 12:54:25.188 -> 502 5.5.1 Unrecognized command. b8-20020a5d4d88000000b002c70e60eb40sm12475582wru.11 - gsmtp 12:54:25.282 -> Encoding 12:54:25.282 -> motdepasse 12:54:25.329 -> 16 12:54:25.329 -> motdepasseconvertit 12:54:25.329 -> Encoding 12:54:25.329 -> Pl2ionbmtQrmqmyc 12:54:25.376 -> 16 12:54:25.376 -> 502 5.5.1 Unrecognized command. b8-20020a5d4d88000000b002c70e60eb40sm12475582wru.11 - gsmtp 12:54:25.471 -> resp code = 235 Does anyone know how to setup emailSender with Gmail mail? I can't! THANKS
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