No sucess on receiving sent data
Greetings! Your library seems to be amazing, with the exception of I have been unable to receive any data transmitted by one LoRa module with another one. I have tried both transparent mode as well as directed mode with little success.
My ultimate goal is to send mostly a single struct over and over as telemetry from a high-powered model rocket my friend is working on, so I have put most of my effort into getting the struct example to work, however it just sends without a peep on the receiver.
I know it is indeed transmitting though, as I have a sensitive speaker that picks up RF noise often, and I can hear the transmissions using that speaker. :)
Here is a screenshot of the 2 modules running, but with no communication:
I took the (send/receive)FixedTransmissionStruct examples, plugged in my ports & manually controlled M0/M1, (as I have no AUX pin) and changed very little else.
Send code:
Receive code:
Any clue what I might be missing here?