...n{Ž²ßï...b.l ..{’Ûn..c.l
HEAD : 0 0 0
AddH : 0
AddL : 3
Chan : 4 -> 414MHz
SpeedParityBit : 0 -> 8N1 (Default)
SpeedUARTDatte : 0 -> 1200bps
SpeedAirDataRate : 0 -> 0.3kbps
OptionTrans : 1 -> Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)
OptionPullup : 0 -> TXD, RXD, AUX are open-collectors
OptionWakeup : 11 -> 1000ms
OptionFEC : 0 -> Turn off Forward Error Correction Switch
OptionPower : 10 -> 14dBm
Start listening!
e32ttl.available() 0
Thanks for your help,
John B.
Problem connecting of EByte E32, bad config response
I put the line of code you suggested:
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LoRa_E32.h"
// #define LoRa_E32_DEBUG
#define LoRa_E32_DEBUG
and got the following:
It looks the same as the previous output.
{l.lœž|.„$à|....„.lä.b|Ž‚.ä.Û{’BŒ.#Œòonß$onœâä.B.pŒlr$rlpûoà....ƒ.$.Œœ...#.Nâ|.ì$Žà.#Œòonï.$Œ.$ ...on.l