Site icon Renzo Mischianti

Signal and Package analyzer (E32)

Hi how are you?! I'm trying to create a signal and packet analyzer for my application, but I'm stuck at one point. I can't decode the messages, basically I think the encoding is OOK_MC_ZEROBIT (in my tests I found OOK_MC_ZEROBIT but I'm not sure about that), I get some values using rtl_433 but I can't see my real raw values. I sent from my ESP32 using E32: Count: 13 | Value1: 0x0101 | Value2: 0x0105 | Value3: 10 | Value4: 2210 Command that I used to see some values: rtl_433 -f 433000000 -R 0 -X "n=my_protocol,m=OOK_MC_ZEROBIT,s=1780,l=2276,g=196,reset=10000" Response:
model : my_protocol count : 1 num_rows : 1 rows :
len: 57 data: 7ffffff6f093ef8
codes: {57}7ffffff6f093ef8

Analyzing pulses...
Total count: 60, width: 217.75 ms (54438 S)
Pulse width distribution:
[ 0] count: 2, width: 3024 us [2784;3264] ( 756 S)
[ 1] count: 44, width: 1772 us [1536;1944] ( 443 S)
[ 2] count: 2, width: 280 us [268;292] ( 70 S)
[ 3] count: 7, width: 1280 us [1112;1424] ( 320 S)
[ 4] count: 2, width: 384 us [372;400] ( 96 S)
[ 5] count: 2, width: 696 us [620;772] ( 174 S)
[ 6] count: 1, width: 1004 us [1004;1004] ( 251 S)
Gap width distribution:
[ 0] count: 4, width: 1472 us [1300;1692] ( 368 S)
[ 1] count: 42, width: 2288 us [2064;2364] ( 572 S)
[ 2] count: 2, width: 232 us [216;248] ( 58 S)
[ 3] count: 4, width: 3468 us [2972;3884] ( 867 S)
[ 4] count: 3, width: 424 us [364;464] ( 106 S)
[ 5] count: 1, width: 1080 us [1080;1080] ( 270 S)
[ 6] count: 2, width: 672 us [628;720] ( 168 S)
[ 7] count: 1, width: 844 us [844;844] ( 211 S)
Pulse period distribution:
[ 0] count: 41, width: 4028 us [3412;5016] (1007 S)
[ 1] count: 9, width: 2436 us [2032;2924] ( 609 S)
[ 2] count: 1, width: 648 us [648;648] ( 162 S)
[ 3] count: 3, width: 5632 us [5596;5704] (1408 S)
[ 4] count: 2, width: 3180 us [3096;3264] ( 795 S)
[ 5] count: 2, width: 1836 us [1716;1960] ( 459 S)
[ 6] count: 1, width: 1216 us [1216;1216] ( 304 S)
Pulse timing distribution:
[ 0] count: 4, width: 3044 us [2784;3264] ( 761 S)
[ 1] count: 51, width: 1800 us [1472;2168] ( 450 S)
[ 2] count: 4, width: 256 us [216;292] ( 64 S)
[ 3] count: 10, width: 1276 us [1080;1436] ( 319 S)
[ 4] count: 5, width: 408 us [364;464] ( 102 S)
[ 5] count: 4, width: 684 us [620;772] ( 171 S)
[ 6] count: 2, width: 924 us [844;1004] ( 231 S)
[ 7] count: 37, width: 2308 us [2276;2364] ( 577 S)
[ 8] count: 2, width: 3868 us [3856;3884] ( 967 S)
[ 9] count: 1, width: 32644 us [32644;32644] (8161 S)
Level estimates [high, low]: 4538, 136
RSSI: -5.6 dB SNR: 15.2 dB Noise: -20.8 dB
Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 4305, 0 (+16.4 kHz, +0.0 kHz)
Guessing modulation: No clue...
Do you know anything about this analysis, how the library, or the radio sends this at a hardware level, like, how could I decode the messages sent by the radio, and seen in rtl_433? Thank you very much for your help again.
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