Site icon Renzo Mischianti

simpleFTPserver in AP mode

Hi, First of all, thanks for all of your work, this is great ! I am using an esp12e board, and i use it as a WiFi access point, and i implmented you simpleFTPserver in my code. As i read it, it is pretty simple to do it, i only had to update local IP address, because in AP mode, the lib does not do it. The FTP server couldn't work correctly because of local IP address.
  IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
   IPAddress gateway(0, 0, 0, 0); // set gateway to match your network -> but i do not use :)
  IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // set subnet mask to match your network
  WiFi.config(myIP, gateway, subnet);
I am using serial interface to grab some datas and write it on SD card. But for some reason, FTP server seems to stop working correctly when working with serial. So i am mannaged to stop sending serial datas when client connected to ftpServer, it seems better but i still have some issues. So my question (at least ! ;) ) is : is it possible to stop the FTP server for a while (i would like to stop it when no client is connected on WiFi AP) and start it when a WiFi client gets connected ? Have a nice day, Dominique
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