Structural Health Monitoring with Raspberry PI and Arduino with LoRa
Hi Renzo,
I'm developing a sensor network to monitor acceleration in different point of a building, this sensors (Arduino Compatible) communicate wirelessly to a master node (Raspberry Pi 4B) with LoRa (i tried NRF24L01+ modules but these have short range in interiors).
My goal is to send acceleration data (in real time or differed) from de arduino to the rpi using Ebyte E32-TTL-100 modules. The sensor (arduino uno) read aceleration 10 minutes every hour while/before sending the data to de rpi, then run to sleep mode for 50 minutes to save battery. Once in a time, sensors have to recieve configuration data from the rpi for calibration, syncronization, etc.
I'm getting started with LoRa and i have been researching, your page and library is the most promising, your job is awesome. I'm writing to read your recomendations and if you have any similar example or conecctions diagrams. My worry now is using different modes (normal and sleep), using the module in raspberry pi and if the module can produce noise in the readings of the accelerometer (if sending in real time).
An option instead of using arduino nano board and E32-TTL-100 module in the sensor is using Esp32 TTGO-LoRa32 915MHz board.
Hope to hear you reply, thank you for your time.