Using EMail Sender library with Arduino UNO Ethernet shield with Ethernet.h library
Hello and thank you for reading this...
Total newbie in Arduino and in this amazing looking library (thanks Renzo)!
I'm creating a simple project of a weather station for my radio station.
I'm finding bits and pieces from various projects and sketches and putting it all together, it seems that I've almost reached my goal and I'm pretty happy since I've never worked with an Arduino before.
I have an Arduino Uno with an Ethernet shield. In my weather station project, which is running a simple webserver, I have 2 temperatures, one for Outside and one for Inside. The inside temperature is inside the room where all the transmitter equipment is running and its air conditioned of course. What I need to do is send an email to myself if the Inside temperature exceeds 30C degrees. That's all.
Tried to compile and run the code in the beginning of Renzo's page (the one in the Arduino section "Send Simple email") but it gets stuck in the #include <UIPEthernet.h> which I probably don't have. I'm currently using Ethernet.h in my webserver.
Any help in making this happen, will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you