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Ciclop 3D scanner: assembling electronic and wiring – 3

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After assembling the basic mechanical components it is now time to assemble and connect all the electronic parts.

Ciclop 3D scanner electronic assembly

The original documentation is lost, so I grab the old material from the net and I translate and rewrite in this article.

List of standard material to assembly

2 x Laser
1 x C270 Logitech® HD Webcam
1 x bq ZUM BT-328 controller board
1 x bq ZUM SCAN Power Shield
1 x Stepstick Drivers A4988 4 layers
2 x Laser cable duct printed part: 80 mm
1 x Printed part motor cable duct: 240 mm
1 x Printed part electronic cap
1 x Micro-USB Cable
1 x Power supply 12 V 1.5 A
1 x Methacrylate front pattern
1 x Printed part pattern holder
1 x Checkerboard pattern sticker
2 x Screw M3 x 10 mm – DIN 912 class 8.8 black
2 x Nut M3 – DIN 934 class 8 black

Introduce lasers

Ciclop 3D scanner Introduce lasers parts
  1. Assembled structure
  2. Laser
  3. Allen wrench
Ciclop 3D scanner assembly lasers parts

Prepare the camera

Logitech c270 on AliExpress
Ciclop 3D scanner prepare the camera parts
  1. C270 Logitech® HD Webcam
  2. Allen wrench
Ciclop 3D scanner prepare the camera

Fit the camera

Ciclop 3D scanner fit the camera parts
  1. C270 Logitech® HD Webcam without Add-ons
  2. Main part assembled
Ciclop 3D scanner assembly camera parts

Fit electronics: bq ZUM BT-328 + ZUM SCAN

You can find BQ ZUM Driver Board here Aliexpress

Stepper drivers on AliExpress
Ciclop 3D scanner Fit electronics ZUM BT 328 SCAN parts
  1. Bq ZUM SCAN power shield
  2. Controller board bq ZUM BT-328
  3. Stepstick Drivers A4988 4 layers
  4. Main assembled parts
Ciclop 3D scanner assembly electronics ZUM BT 328 SCAN

Fit electronics: my PCB

Ciclop 3D scanner PCB v12 photo prospective front

You can get full instruction for my open source PCB (fully ZUM compatible) on the previous article.

Ciclop 3D scanner board v1.2 schema

You can order 10 PCB at PCBWay for few dollars here.

Ciclop 3D scanner board v1.2 PCBWay
Ciclop 3D scanner PCB description

Cable connection and routing

Back cover 

Laser wireway 

Motor wireway 

Power supply on Aliexpress 12v

Ciclop 3D scanner parts for cable connection and routing
  1. Printed part for laser cable duct and motor cable duct
  2. Printed part electronic cover
  3. Micro-USB cable
  4. Power supply 12 V 1.5 A
  5. Main part assembled
Ciclop 3D scanner connection and routing

Mounting the calibration pattern

Pattern holder 

Pattern surface 

Pattern image to print 

Ciclop 3D scanner parts for mounting calibration pattern
  1. Methacrylate front pattern
  2. Checkerboard Sticker
  3. Printed part pattern support
  4. Nut M3
  5. M3 x 10 mm screw
  6. Allen wrench
Ciclop 3D scanner mounting calibration pattern

Assembling video


  1. Ciclop 3D scanner: component printing and assembly
  2. Ciclop 3D scanner: production and assembly of the control PCB
  3. Ciclop 3D scanner: assembling electronic and wiring
  4. Ciclop 3D scanner: componens testing and calibration

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