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PCF8574 i2c digital I/O expander: Arduino, esp8266 and esp32, basic I/O and interrupt – Part 1

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PCF8574 i2c digital I/O expander – Basic I/O and interrupt

Key features of PCF8574 I2C I/O expansion

A common requirement when working with MCUs is the need to add more digital I/O than the device supports natively.  The  PCF8574 is one of the more popular methods of adding lines as it uses the I2C bus that requires only 2 lines on the MCU.  It provides 8 additional digital I/O lines, which are easily expandable up to 64.

I2C Interface

The module has an easy-to-use I2C interface that can be configured to use any one of eight different I2C addresses if you want to use multiple modules in the same system or if you run into an address conflict with another device.

There are three address jumps (A0-A2) that determine which I2C address to use.  As shipped, these jumpers are all set to the ‘-‘ side, which is ground or LOW, as shown in the picture.  The ‘+’ side is Vcc or HIGH.

I/O Functionality

The I/O is defined as quasi-bidirectional. A quasi-bidirectional I/O is either an input or output port without using a direction control register.  When set as inputs, the pins act as normal inputs do.  When set as outputs, the PCF8574 device drives the outputs LOW with up to 25mA sink capability, but when driving the outputs HIGH, they are just pulled up high with a weak internal pull-up.  That enables an external device to overpower the pin and drive it LOW.

The device powers up with the 8 data lines all set as inputs.

When using the pins as inputs, the pins are set to HIGH by the MCU, which turns on a weak 100 uA internal pull-up to Vcc. They will read as HIGH if there is no input or if the pin is being driven HIGH by an external signal but can be driven LOW by an external signal that can easily override the weak pull-up.

If used as outputs, they can be driven LOW by the MCU by writing a LOW to that pin. A strong pull-down is turned on and stays on to keep the pin pulled LOW. If the pin is driven HIGH by the MCU, a strong pull-up is turned on for a short time to pull the pin HIGH quickly, and then the weak 100uA pull-up is turned back on to keep the pin HIGH.

If the pins are set to be outputs and are driven LOW, it is important that an external signal does not also try to drive it HIGH or excessive current may flow and damage the part.

Whenever the internal register is read, the value returned depends on the actual voltage or status of the pin.

The I/O ports are entirely independent of each other, but they are controlled by the same read or write data byte.

Interrupt Output

The interrupt open-drain output pin is active LOW.  It is normally pulled HIGH using a pull-up resistor and is driven low by the PCF8574 when any of the inputs change state. This signals the MCU to poll the part to see what is going on. If connecting this pin, enable the internal pull-up resistor on the MCU or add an external pull-up of 10K or so.

If using interrupts with multiple modules, since they are open drain they can be tied together if a single interrupt back to the MCU is desired.

Module Connections

The connections to the module are straightforward.

  1. Supply 3.3 or 5V power and ground.
  2. Connect I2C SCL and SDA lines to the same on the MCU.
  3. If used, connect the INT line to an interrupt input on the MCU and use a pull-up resistor.

I write a library to use i2c pcf8574 IC with Arduino and esp8266.

So can read and write digital value with only 2 wires (perfect for ESP-01).

I try to simplify the use of this IC with a minimal set of operations.

How I2c Works

I2C works with its two wires, the SDA(data line) and SCL(clock line).

Both these lines are open-drain but are pulled up with resistors.

Usually, there is one master and one or multiple slaves on the line, although there can be multiple masters. We’ll talk about that later.

Both masters and slaves can transmit or receive data. Therefore, a device can be in one of these four states: master transmit, master receive, slave transmit, and slave received.


You can find my library here.

To download.

Click the DOWNLOADS button in the top right corner, and rename the uncompressed folder PCF8574.

Check that the PCF8574 folder contains PCF8574.cpp and PCF8574.h.

Place the PCF8574 library folder your /libraries/ folder.

You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library.

Restart the IDE.

IC or Module

You can use a normal IC or module.

pcf8574 IC

You can find the IC on AliExpress

pcf8574 module
You can find the module on AliExpress


I try to simplify the use of this IC with a minimal set of operations.

PCF8574P address map 0x20-0x27 PCF8574AP address map 0x38-0x3f


On the constructor, you must pass the address of i2c. You can use A0, A1, and A2 pins to change the address, and you can find the address value here (to check the address use this guide I2cScanner)

PCF8574(uint8_t address);

for esp8266, if you want to specify SDA e SCL pin, use this:

PCF8574(uint8_t address, uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl);

For esp32, you can pass directly the TwoWire, so you can choose the secondary i2c channel: [updated 29/04/2019]

// Instantiate Wire for generic use at 400kHz
TwoWire I2Cone = TwoWire(0);
// Instantiate Wire for generic use at 100kHz
TwoWire I2Ctwo = TwoWire(1);

// Set dht12 i2c comunication with second Wire using 21 22 as SDA SCL
DHT12 dht12(&I2Ctwo);
//DHT12 dht12(&I2Ctwo, 21,22);
//DHT12 dht12(&I2Ctwo, 0x5C);
//DHT12 dht12(&I2Ctwo, 21,22,0x5C);

Input/Output mode and starting value

You must set input/output mode:

	pcf8574.pinMode(P0, OUTPUT);
	pcf8574.pinMode(P1, INPUT);
	pcf8574.pinMode(P2, INPUT);

You can manage the initial value of various pins: [updated 06/03/2020]

You can define for input if you want to manage an INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP

pcf8574.pinMode(P0, INPUT);
pcf8574.pinMode(P1, INPUT_PULLUP);

And for OUTPUT, you can specify the initial value at the beginning of IC: [updated 06/03/2020]

pcf8574.pinMode(P6, OUTPUT, LOW);
pcf8574.pinMode(P6, OUTPUT, HIGH);

for backward compatibility default value of OUTPUT is HIGH.

then IC, as you can see in the image, have 8 digital input/output:

pcf8574 pinout

So to read all analog input in one transmission, you can do (even if I use a 10millis debounce time to prevent too much read from i2c):

	PCF8574::DigitalInput di = PCF8574.digitalReadAll();
	Serial.print("READ VALUE FROM PCF P1: ");
	Serial.print(" - ");
	Serial.print(" - ");
	Serial.print(" - ");

Low memory

To follow a request (you can see It on issue #5), I created a defined variable to work with a low-memory device. If you uncomment this line on .h file of the library:

// #define PCF8574_LOW_MEMORY

Enable low memory props and gain about 7byte of memory, and you must use the method to read all like so:

   byte di = pcf8574.digitalReadAll();
   Serial.print("READ VALUE FROM PCF: ");
   Serial.println(di, BIN);

where di is a byte like 1110001, so you must do a bitwise operation to get the data, an operation that I already do in the “normal” mode. Here is an example:

   p0 = ((di & bit(0)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p1 = ((di & bit(1)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p2 = ((di & bit(2)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p3 = ((di & bit(3)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p4 = ((di & bit(4)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p5 = ((di & bit(5)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p6 = ((di & bit(6)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
   p7 = ((di & bit(7)>0)?HIGH:LOW;

if you want to read a single input:

int p1Digital = PCF8574.digitalRead(P1); // read P1

[updated 13/03/2020] you can also force reread of value without debouncing

int p1Digital = PCF8574.digitalRead(P1, true); // read P1 without debounce

If you want to write a digital value, you must do the following:

PCF8574.digitalWrite(P1, HIGH);


PCF8574.digitalWrite(P1, LOW);


You can also use interrupt pin: You must initialize the pin and the function to call when an interrupt is raised from PCF8574

// Function interrupt
void keyPressedOnPCF8574();

// Set i2c address
PCF8574 pcf8574(0x39, ARDUINO_UNO_INTERRUPT_PIN, keyPressedOnPCF8574);

Remember, you can’t use Serial or Wire on the interrupt function.

The better way is to set only a variable to read on the loop:

void keyPressedOnPCF8574(){
	// Interrupt called (No Serial no read no wire in this function, and DEBUG disabled on PCF library)
	 keyPressed = true;

Low latency

For low latency applications (lesser than 10millis), I added a new define that you could uncomment and activate 1millis latency [updated 06/03/2020].

Connections schema

Simple connection schema

For the examples, I use this wire schema on the breadboard: 

Arduino pcf8574 IC wiring schema

Additional examples

In the time peoples help me to create new examples, I’m going to add them here:

Wemos LEDs blink

From japan, nopnop create an example to blink 8 leds sequentially.

 * PCF8574 GPIO Port Expand
 * PCF8574    ----- WeMos
 * A0         ----- GRD
 * A1         ----- GRD
 * A2         ----- GRD
 * VSS        ----- GRD
 * VDD        ----- 5V/3.3V
 * SDA        ----- GPIO_4(PullUp)
 * SCL        ----- GPIO_5(PullUp)
 * P0     ----------------- LED0
 * P1     ----------------- LED1
 * P2     ----------------- LED2
 * P3     ----------------- LED3
 * P4     ----------------- LED4
 * P5     ----------------- LED5
 * P6     ----------------- LED6
 * P7     ----------------- LED7

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "PCF8574.h"  //

// Set i2c address
PCF8574 pcf8574(0x20);

void setup()

  // Set pinMode to OUTPUT
  for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
    pcf8574.pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  static int pin = 0;
  pcf8574.digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
  pcf8574.digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
  if (pin > 7) pin = 0;
WeMos D1 esp8266 pcf8574 IC wiring schema 8 leds
Esp32 LEDs blink using a secondary i2c channel.

Here I create a variant of the example to show how to use the secondary i2c channel of an esp32.

#include "Arduino.h"
 * 	PCF8574 GPIO Port Expand
 *  Blink all led
 *  by Mischianti Renzo <>
 * PCF8574    ----- Esp32
 * A0         ----- GRD
 * A1         ----- GRD
 * A2         ----- GRD
 * VSS        ----- GRD
 * VDD        ----- 5V/3.3V
 * SDA        ----- 21
 * SCL        ----- 22
 * P0     ----------------- LED0
 * P1     ----------------- LED1
 * P2     ----------------- LED2
 * P3     ----------------- LED3
 * P4     ----------------- LED4
 * P5     ----------------- LED5
 * P6     ----------------- LED6
 * P7     ----------------- LED7

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "PCF8574.h"  //

// Instantiate Wire for generic use at 400kHz
TwoWire I2Cone = TwoWire(0);
// Instantiate Wire for generic use at 100kHz
TwoWire I2Ctwo = TwoWire(1);

// Set i2c address
PCF8574 pcf8574(&I2Ctwo, 0x20);
// PCF8574 pcf8574(&I2Ctwo, 0x20, 21, 22);
// PCF8574(TwoWire *pWire, uint8_t address, uint8_t interruptPin,  void (*interruptFunction)() );
// PCF8574(TwoWire *pWire, uint8_t address, uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl, uint8_t interruptPin,  void (*interruptFunction)());

void setup()

  I2Cone.begin(16,17,400000); // SDA pin 16, SCL pin 17, 400kHz frequency

  // Set pinMode to OUTPUT
  for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
    pcf8574.pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  static int pin = 0;
  pcf8574.digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
  pcf8574.digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
  if (pin > 7) pin = 0;
esp32 pcf8574 IC wiring schema 8 leds

STM32 manage 4 buttons and 4 LEDs at the same time

Use PA1 as an interrupt pin and follow the instruction of the next example.

stm32 pcf8574 wiring: 4 LEDs 4 buttons on breadboard

Arduino manages 4 buttons and 4 LEDs at the same time

Here is an example of simultaneous input and output. If you intend to manage the simultaneous pressure of the buttons, the latency must be reduced to 0 or the specific define set. Another way is to use the adjective parameter to true on the digitalRead.

Arduino pcf8574 esempio con 4 Leds 4 bottoni su breadboard
 KeyPressed and leds with interrupt
 by Mischianti Renzo <>

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "PCF8574.h"
// For arduino uno only pin 1 and 2 are interrupted
// Function interrupt
void keyPressedOnPCF8574();
// Set i2c address
PCF8574 pcf8574(0x38, ARDUINO_UNO_INTERRUPTED_PIN, keyPressedOnPCF8574);
unsigned long timeElapsed;
void setup()
    pcf8574.pinMode(P0, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P1, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P2, INPUT);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P3, INPUT);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P7, OUTPUT);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P6, OUTPUT, HIGH);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P5, OUTPUT);
    pcf8574.pinMode(P4, OUTPUT, LOW);
    timeElapsed = millis();
unsigned long lastSendTime = 0;        // last send time
unsigned long interval = 4000;          // interval between sends
bool startVal = HIGH;
bool keyPressed = false;
void loop()
    if (keyPressed){
        uint8_t val0 = pcf8574.digitalRead(P0);
        uint8_t val1 = pcf8574.digitalRead(P1);
        uint8_t val2 = pcf8574.digitalRead(P2);
        uint8_t val3 = pcf8574.digitalRead(P3);
        Serial.print("P0 ");
        Serial.print(" P1 ");
        Serial.print(" P2 ");
        Serial.print(" P3 ");
        keyPressed= false;
      if (millis() - lastSendTime > interval) {
            pcf8574.digitalWrite(P7, startVal);
            if (startVal==HIGH) {
                startVal = LOW;
                startVal = HIGH;
            lastSendTime = millis();
            Serial.print("P7 ");
void keyPressedOnPCF8574(){
    // Interrupt called (No Serial no read no wire in this function, and DEBUG disabled on PCF library)
     keyPressed = true;

Usefully links

  1. PCF8574 i2c digital I/O expander: Arduino, esp8266 and esp32, basic I/O and interrupt
  2. PCF8574 i2c digital I/O expander: Arduino, esp8266 and esp32, rotary encoder

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