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WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), pinout, specs and IDE configuration – Part 1

D1 Wemos IDE configuration

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WeMos D1 mini (esp8266) details

I like this device It’s very low cost and effective value WIFI microcontroller.

You can find It here WeMos D1 mini - NodeMCU V2 V2.1 V3 - esp01 - esp01 programmer



Wemos D1 mini

WeMos D1 mini esp8266 pinout mischianti low resolution

WeMos D1 mini high-resolution image

NodeMCU V2

NodeMcu v2 pinout low resolution

NodeMCU v2.x high-resolution image

NodeMCU v2.1

NodeMcu v2.1 low resolution pinout

NodeMCU v2.x high-resolution image

NodeMCU v3

NodeMcu v3 low resolution pinout

I think that the interesting thing is that It has more than one Hardware Serial, so you can use Serial for communication with devices and Serial1 D4 (only Transmission) to debug.


You can download drivers for the USB chips here, check your version of D1 mini and click on drivers.

Configure your ide

Than you must configure your Arduino IDE

First you must add esp8266 url descriptor to your IDE
Go to File –> Preferences and add the url on “Additional Boards Manager URLs”

Add the url on “Additional Boards Manager URLs”

Than you must add new board in Boards Manager

Select board manager

The boards to select is esp8266

Select esp8266 board

Now you can select LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini

WeMos D1 mini select board on Arduino IDE

Now you can upload your sketch.


  1. WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), specs and IDE configuration
  2. WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), integrated SPIFFS Filesystem
  3. WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), debug on secondary UART
  4. WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), the three type of sleep mode to manage energy savings
  5. WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), integrated LittleFS Filesystem
  6. esp12 esp07 (esp8266): flash, pinout, specs and IDE configuration
  7. Firmware and OTA update management
    1. Firmware management
      1. esp8266: flash firmware binary (.bin) compiled and signed
      2. esp8266: flash firmware and filesystem binary (.bin) compiled with GUI tools
    2. OTA update with Arduino IDE
      1. esp8266 OTA update with Arduino IDE: filesystem, signed and password
    3. OTA update with Web Browser
      1. esp8266 OTA update with Web Browser: firmware, filesystem and authentication
      2. esp8266 OTA update with Web Browser: sign the firmware and HTTPS (SSL/TLS)
      3. esp8266 OTA update with Web Browser: custom web interface
    4. Self OTA uptate from HTTP server
      1. esp8266 self OTA update firmware from server
      2. esp8266 self OTA update firmware from server with version check
      3. esp8266 self OTA update in HTTPS (SSL/TLS) with trusted self signed certificate
    5. Non standard Firmware update
      1. esp8266 firmware and filesystem update from SD card
      2. esp8266 firmware and filesystem update with FTP client
  8. esp32 and esp8266: FAT filesystem on external SPI flash memory
  9. i2c esp8266: how to, network 5v, 3.3v, speed, and custom pins
  10. […]

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