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AWS IoT core and MQTT services: introduction and prerequisites – 1

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It’s time to connect our device to AWS IoT core via MQTT services. In this tutorial, we’ll connect an esp32, an esp8266, and an Arduino MKT 1010 WiFi to these services.

Amazon AWS IoT Core MQTT prerequisite and introduction

The service that we will use is MQTT, a messaging protocol created for IoT devices.

MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT today is used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc.

We have already learned how to create a basic Amazon Alexa SmartHome skill structure, but we hadn’t attached devices. Now we will develop the sketch and relative AWS layer to manage external devices.

We are now at this point on the schema:

Alexa Smart Home IoT Core MQTT position


First, you must create the accounts.

Here an esp8266 WeMos D1 mini - NodeMCU V2 V2.1 V3 - esp01 - esp01 programmer

Here an esp32 ESP32 Dev Kit v1 - TTGO T-Display 1.14 ESP32 - NodeMCU V3 V2 ESP8266 Lolin32 - NodeMCU ESP-32S - WeMos Lolin32 - WeMos Lolin32 mini - ESP32-CAM programmer - ESP32-CAM bundle - ESP32-WROOM-32 - ESP32-S

Here the Arduino SAMD Amazon Arduino MKR WiFi 1010

Code and resources

If you had followed the previous series of articles about “Alexa SmartHome Skill“, you have already done these steps, so go ahead.

First, create a folder; for me, I create


Get the setup-template.txt file from

and rename in setup.txt.

The file should contain:

[Login with Amazon Client ID]

[Login with Amazon Client Secret]

[Alexa Skill Application ID]

[AWS Lambda ARN]

[Redirect URLs]

[DynamoDB table]

[Device end point]

Install Optional Tools

These tools are optional as they are helpful but not required.


Git 2.0 or greater is required only if you want to clone the source code locally. At a command line, you can verify if git is installed by running the command:

git --version

If it is not correctly installed or is not a version greater than 2.0, visits to download and install a version for your platform.

Get the Source Code via Git

If you have git installed on your workstation, you can use the following instructions to pull the source code into your working directory.

  1. From the command-line, navigate into the working directory on your desktop: alexa-skill-manage-relay-nodejs
  2. Run the following command to pull the source code to a working directory:
git clone

Get the Source Code via Download

If you do not have git installed, download and unzip the zipped contents of the sample from

into your desktop working directory: alexa-skill-manage-relay-nodejs.


  1. AWS IoT core and MQTT services: introduction and prerequisite
  2. AWS IoT core and MQTT services: creating AWS thing with certificate and policy
  3. AWS IoT core and MQTT services: connect esp8266 devices
  4. AWS IoT core and MQTT services: connect esp32 devices
  5. AWS IoT core and MQTT services: connect Arduino SAMD (WiFiNINA) devices
  6. AWS IoT core and MQTT services: test with console and MQTT.fx

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