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Home › Forum › Le librerie ospitate nel sito › EBYTE E220 dispositivi LoRa UART LLCC68 › Problems with RSSI
Hi renzo,
I noticed that if I have several nodes that answer me at the same time, the messages are lined up in the HardwareSerial buffer and this is wonderful.
But there is a problem with every message a strange character is added at the beginning and in my opinion it is derived from the RSSI.
Is it possible to put a “new line” and read the messages well?
Hi Fabioo,
check if you have enabled the RSSI in your configuration.
You can add a termination character in the sendMessage and use receiveMessageUntil to read single message.
Bye Renzo
But by using the receiveMessageUntil I still have RSSI?
Hi Fabioo,
yes, but you must remove the last byte manually.
if (rssiEnabled){
rssi = originalMessage.charAt(tmpData.length()-1);
message = originalMessage.substring(0, tmpData.length()-1);
message = originalMessage;
Bye Renzo
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