Again i made connections according to the new schema present in the guideline link i have provided and tried running the set configuration code under 3 different cases one with Arduino mode as defined in the schema (not as per the corresponding table), then i tried compiling in Software serial mode in which i considered two cases one being same pins as what schema said and the other using serial 1 of arduino mega in all these modes i could read the serial monitor saying “No response from device! (Check wiring)” and when i switched to hardware serial mode with serial1 as Uart pins serial monitor is showing me “Wrong UART configuration! (BPS must be 9600 for configuration)”.
One more thing i’m using E22-900T30S whereas the serial monitor displays the channel frequency in range 410 to 900 and channel from 0 to 250. I assume these values are taken from the Arduino memory since i’m getting the message “No response from device! (Check wiring)”.