Category: ESP32 practical power saving

A core part in many projects is energy saving, especially in battery powered devices. In this sub-part of the tutorial I want to start to better emphasize these features of esp32.

ESP32 practical power saving preserve gpio status on deep sleep UPL and external wake-up 1

ESP32 practical power saving: preserve gpio status, external and ULP wake up – 5

ESP32 has the ability to take advantage of many energy saving modes, but when you set sleep you also lose the status of the pins, but there is a way to preserve it and we will analyze it. Furthermore, the esp32 has powerful features such as the UPL a low-power processor that can wake you up in case of need.

ESP32 practical power saving manage WiFi sleep and CPU frequency 27

ESP32 practical power saving: manage WiFi and CPU – 1

The ESP32 is capable to activate the energy saving modes of light sleep and deep sleep, but in many cases we cannot use such a solution, but it is still possible to apply some options to the functional units for reducing energy consumption.
Let’s set the sleep mode, disable the WiFi and scale the frequency to the CPU.