Category: Battery

Arduino battery checker with temperature, and battery selection 0

Checking Battery Capacity with Arduino: Temperature Monitoring and Type Selection

Here is my Arduino battery tester, designed to explore the performance of various types of batteries, including 18650 and acid-based ones. Successfully tested even with a 6V lead-acid battery with a capacity of 4.2A, this device provides battery capacity readings in milliampere-hours. In fact, it’s an old article that I had never published before, but I have revisited and decided to publish it now.

LineaMeteoStazione The Personalized WiFi Weather Station using ESP32 ESP8266 and Attiny85 0

LineaMeteoStazione: The Personalized WiFi Weather Station using ESP32, ESP8266 and Attiny85 with OTA – 4

LineaMeteoStazione is a complete weather station solar powered which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as well as some Davis Instrument components (Rain Gauge, Anemometer) It also can be interfaced with a...

ESP32 practical power saving manage WiFi sleep and CPU frequency 27

ESP32 practical power saving: manage WiFi and CPU – 1

The ESP32 is capable to activate the energy saving modes of light sleep and deep sleep, but in many cases we cannot use such a solution, but it is still possible to apply some options to the functional units for reducing energy consumption.
Let’s set the sleep mode, disable the WiFi and scale the frequency to the CPU.

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline Set time and manage battery UPS 0

ABB Aurora web inverter monitor (WIM): set time and manage battery UPS – 5

I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Here we are going to explore how to create an UPS and how correctly set date.

WeMosD1Mini esp8266 Sleep modem light deep wake 6

WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), the three type of sleep mode to manage energy savings – Part 4

When you create a new IoT project probably you need to connect microcontroller to a battary power source, but if you don’t use a power saving options your battery will run out in no time.
As a lot of IoT microcontroller, WeMos D1 mini have some power saving mode.
The types are modem sleep, light sleep and deep sleep.