Category: Sleep and Wake UP devices

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) Client software Arduino IDE 0

LoRa remote water level and pump controller (ReWaL): client software – 3

I must fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar/battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify the status to the server.
Here we are going to look at the Client software.

ESP32 practical power saving preserve gpio status on deep sleep UPL and external wake-up 1

ESP32 practical power saving: preserve gpio status, external and ULP wake up – 5

ESP32 has the ability to take advantage of many energy saving modes, but when you set sleep you also lose the status of the pins, but there is a way to preserve it and we will analyze it. Furthermore, the esp32 has powerful features such as the UPL a low-power processor that can wake you up in case of need.

ESP32 practical power saving manage WiFi sleep and CPU frequency 27

ESP32 practical power saving: manage WiFi and CPU – 1

The ESP32 is capable to activate the energy saving modes of light sleep and deep sleep, but in many cases we cannot use such a solution, but it is still possible to apply some options to the functional units for reducing energy consumption.
Let’s set the sleep mode, disable the WiFi and scale the frequency to the CPU.

WeMosD1Mini esp8266 Sleep modem light deep wake 6

WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), the three type of sleep mode to manage energy savings – Part 4

When you create a new IoT project probably you need to connect microcontroller to a battary power source, but if you don’t use a power saving options your battery will run out in no time.
As a lot of IoT microcontroller, WeMos D1 mini have some power saving mode.
The types are modem sleep, light sleep and deep sleep.