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  • in reply to: E220 remote Switch project crash #30830

      So I am not all that great at this stuff, but I feel like the server.on( call or maybe processor may be the issues there. is String linkAddress = “”; supposed to be a bunch of x’s instead of an IP address? If not then that certainly would confuse the crap out of a system trying to start a service on that port 🙂

      Personally, I am not all that good at debugging using the tools. So what I would do is rip out the part that is causing the watchdog trigger (async_tcp) makes me think its the webserver stuff. So go replicate a Webserver by itself make all that work without the triggers and such. Because I think you will end up finding what is causing. Anyway its that part of the code that’s the problem, so you need to debug it and sort out why its taking so long to move on. OR TURN OFF THE WATCHDOG HEHEHE… (This is not a good idea I don’t think)

      in reply to: Problems with EBYTE E220-900T22D #30829

        I know this response is very late but in case anyone else runs into this looking for why they cannot read the key. From what I can tell, the system only allows you to set the key. Once the key is set it will return 00 00 for the key if you ask for it. When using the Window Configuration program this does the same thing. So you will “Get params”, and it will say key 0000. You can then set the key, say to 9999, and then it will set the key, but when you run Get Parms again, it will simply say 00 00, so this is expected behavior. However, when using the radios together, if you do not do a set key on both sides, they will not communicate. I am using a USB module SH-L1A from DSD Tech, and I just wanted something quick that I could use to play with LoRa a bit. Now of course I am wishing I had bought something with a MCU and chip so I can use the libs easier, Oh Well, I will write my own, or modify what is out there. 🙂

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