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  • gabrixxl

      Today I configured both the transmitters and receivers to channel 50 using the Ebyte software, only changing their address.

      However, I noticed that when I compile the code on this specific computer, the channel remains 50 as set in the Ebyte software. But if I compile it on any other computer, the channel automatically changes to 133. The function ‘configuration.CHAN’ is commented out in setParameters. Very strange.


        No, I don’t receive anything. The receiver simply doesn’t get any data from the transmitter when I compile the code on another computer.

        These are the codes I am using. I am using two transmitters, only changing their channel numbers on setParameters.

        M0 —– 25
        M1 —– 26 (19 on transmitter)
        AUX —– 34 (18 on transmitter)
        TX —– RX2
        RX —– TX2
        GND —– GND
        VCC —– 3.3V

        Can you identify any error? Thanks!

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