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  • in reply to: looking for a solution to send emails in SSL #29894

      Hello, for information here are some new reinforcements for sending emails…

      Soon we will no longer be able to send emails with EMailSender via Arduinos!
      For sending files which no longer worked with EmailSender and Sendgrid (Gmail).
      I went through an FTP server on Rapsberry, the Arduinos send the message and the attachment to the Raspberry and it is the Raspberry which sends the emails…
      For messages without attachments since no French ISPs now work with EmailSender for security reasons, I only have Sendgrid left (but for how much longer)…

      in reply to: Unable to transfer sketches to an Arduino from Windows 11 #28966

        Apparently not used by anything else.
        I installed the old driver and suddenly it works again (damn Windows 11 and the others too!)
        Thank You

        in reply to: looking for a solution to send emails in SSL #27396

          Hello, do you have an example somewhere to inspire this (using a UDP packet to send a message to a central processing unit)?

          in reply to: looking for a solution to send emails in SSL #27374

            Hello, is there a way to send emails via ssl from Arduinos mega by adding an stm32 (for 5 Arduinos) or something else, knowing that some emails send attachments from the micro SD of the w5000 shields?

            in reply to: looking for a solution to send emails in SSL #27372

              Hello, thank you for this sad response!
              I still wanted to try on an Arduino Mega and W5500 shield in SSL, so I uncommented the line you told me in EMailSenderKey.h#L81. Then I tried to compile my sketch of course I had to install the SSLClient library but this one does a #include<vector> .
              So I also installed the vector library but there I always have this:
              C:\Users\PC bureau Gilles\Documents\Arduino\libraries\SSLClient\src/SSLClientParameters.h:31:10: fatal error: vector: No such file or directory
              #include <vector>

              Did I miss something?
              PS: suddenly there is no other way to send emails with an Arduino mega and w5500 in SSL?

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Gilles.
              in reply to: EmailSender and SMTP DATA error! SMTP Response TIMEOUT! #27313

                I wonder if resp.code as well as resp.desc should not be reset to zero between 2 calls to emailsender… between 2 calls to the emailsender function?
                Has anyone tested this?

                in reply to: looking for a solution to send emails in SSL #27312

                  no one has any idea on the subject? THANKS


                    I wonder if resp.code as well as resp.desc that must be deleted between 2 calls to emailsender…is updated between 2 calls to the emailsender function?
                    Indeed the code 235 comes from a 1st test with which no longer works (passage to ssl) then the 2nd test which works is done with sendgrid returns me the same error code although the email be well sent….
                    If I put in 1st test with sendgrid I have well resp.code =0 and not 235….

                    Is this an error on my part or a bug?

                    EMailSender::Response resp = emailSend.send(arrayOfEmail, nb_Recipient_Mail, message); // we send the email via la
                        numtest=numtest-1; // we just did one more test we decrement
                         if (resp.code == "0") { // we have just succeeded in sending mail
                                                   returnmail = 0; // sets retourmail to 0
                                                   reboot = 0; //we have an internet connection so we reset reboot
                                                   return (returnmail); // returns the return valuemail 0
                                                 } // it's good we exit by returning the value 0
                       while(nbessai > 0){ // as long as we have chosen to do a test we start again
                         if (resp.code != "0"){ //start another attempt to send emails
                                               delay(20000); // we wait 20 seconds before trying again during this time we do nothing....
                                               testconnection(); // we test the internet connection via google
                                               if (nbtry % 2 == 0) { //to go into the loop only once out of 2 (nb even)
                                                                                 if (monitor == 1){Serial.println(F("send with sengrid")); }
                                                                                 EMailSender::Response resp = emailSend2.send(arrayOfEmail, nb_Recipient_Mail, message); // we send the email
                                                                            else {
                                                                                 if (monitor == 1){Serial.println(F("send with post"));}
                                                                                 EMailSender::Response resp = emailSend.send(arrayOfEmail, nb_Recipient_Mail, message); // we send the email
                                               numtest = numtest-1; // we just did one more test...
                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Gilles.

                      Hello, I finally managed to reproduce the error code 235, SMTP AUTH error (502-5.5.2 Error: command not recognized)
                      I don’t have more information per story despite this error I do receive an email…
                      Do you have an idea?


                        Hello, this is why I can’t send attachments with SendGrid… They are put in the body of the message…
                        Flute then!


                          Hello, still with my problem of sending attachments with SendGrid…
                          Sendgrid told me to test this:
                          basically set content-type to:
                          I found in the file line 737 this:
                          client.println(F(“Content-Type: Multipart/mixed; boundary=frontier”));
                          I tested with client.println(F(“Content-Type:application/octet-stream; boundary=frontier”));
                          but that didn’t change anything…
                          Is it here or somewhere else in your library that we can determine Content-type?



                            Ok thank you, I am however wired in Ethernet, but it is true that when that does not work it is all the Arduinos at the same time which seem to have this problem!

                            But since I have the same program in each Arduino, I was thinking more of a software problem…

                            Is there a way to increase the waiting time (in case of network issues)?



                              Sorry, I didn’t see your reply.
                              The debug is permanently activated but you need a PC connected to the Arduino and my Arduinos are in use on my apiary…
                              And in addition this error does not seem systematic..
                              I’ll put my dev hive back in my desktop and see if I can reproduce the problem to save the debug.
                              I’ll let you know.

                              Of course it works now…
                              To be continued!


                                I found it is absolutely necessary to have during a file transfer to have started the SD card via: SD.begin (pinCS_SD);
                                Which is normally the case but in my tests I only tried to send the file without having ever written on the SD so without having started the card…

                                Nevertheless, I still have problems with emailsende error codes now I have a resp.code = 235 so not 0 and suddenly I redo several tests while the emails arrive well despite the code 235!
                                WHAT IS THIS ERROR CODE?



                                  With another program on the same hardware it works correctly and I get this:

                                  15:33:42.022 -> 250 2.1.5 Ok
                                  15:33:42.022 -> DATA:
                                  15:33:42.022 -> 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
                                  15:33:42.070 -> Array: MARS2023.csv
                                  15:33:42.070 -> --frontier
                                  15:33:42.118 -> Content-Type: 
                                  15:33:42.118 -> text/csv
                                  15:33:42.118 -> ; charset="UTF-8"
                                  15:33:42.118 -> Readed filename: MARS2023.csv
                                  15:33:42.166 -> SD Check
                                  15:33:42.166 -> Open file: 
                                  15:33:42.211 -> OK
                                  15:33:42.211 -> NORMAL
                                  15:34:58.385 -> Message end
                                  15:34:58.716 -> 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 4PpdQr6wJwzYcmV
                                  15:34:58.716 -> 221 2.0.0 Bye
                                  15:34:58.716 -> Statut de l'envoi avec piece jointe : 
                                  15:34:58.809 -> 1
                                  15:34:58.809 -> resp Code: 0
                                  15:34:58.809 -> Description : Message sent!
                                  15:34:58.856 -> Message sent!

                                  However, this is a copy paste of this part of the file sending code..

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