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  • Josh lepeter

      as sidenote, when connecting the modules to my computer using the usb adapter sold for that purpose, the RF settings utility from ebyte can read and change the parameters without any problem and they will be kept in memory. also, if I don’t use any library and set up a transparent link between two modules (one on my pc using the adapter and putty and other on the MCU using the provided schema), manually pull M0 and M1 to normal working mode in code and send data between PC and MCU the link works both ways, so tecnically the connections are ok. I don’t use AUX in that test, but i have checked with the multimeter at the MCU side and the signal is changing when sending/receiving, so i guess mcu should read it fine also.

      Josh lepeter

        Hello! thank you for your reply!

        I am afraid that I cannot use the DEBUG because the atmega328p only has one hardware uart, and that is being used by the E32 module 🙁

        atmega is runnig at 16Mhz @ 5V, so a level shifter is used on some lines.

        The connection schema is this (sorry i don’t have schematic yet):

        ATMEGA               E32

        PD0(RX)               P4(TXD) straight connection (not pulled up by mcu… so, safe)

        PD1(TX)               P3(RXD) through a level converter.

        PB0(8)                  P1(M0)  through level conv.

        PB1(9)                  P2(M1) through level conv.

        PD2(2)                  P5(AUX) straight connection (only used as input… so, safe)



        Josh lepeter

          oh sorry, I just realised I uploaded an old code, the most recent one had the WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_SAVE flag passed to the setConfiguration function and still no luck 🙁

          Josh lepeter

            using that code I can’t get the module to change it’s parameters… when I check them in my computer using the ebyte RFsettings tool it shows that the module still has the same settings than before trying the code…

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