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  • in reply to: module hang-up e220 #32020

      Hi, I completely forgot to unsubscribe, I did a test where the ds18b20 was attached to the Lora module, I filled it with a special coolant and at this temperature (-54 degrees Celsius) it received and sent data to another module, in particular, it transmitted this temperature to another sensor, while the factory declared it to -40 Yes, even though it was short-lived, but still. Let’s say the nrf24 modules no longer work below -6 degrees Celsius due to the fact that these modules are clocked from external quartz on the board and they are very sensitive, they need good quartz, and since there is no temperature compensation in them, they simply stop working)))
      Check video: Video youtube

      • This reply was modified 2 months ago by L33t331.
      • This reply was modified 2 months ago by L33t331.
      in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29329

        I will try to find time for this, my friend, and I also need time for all these tests)

        in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29327

          There is nothing particularly interesting there, sending structures and output to oled.
          For now, I’m just testing how it will work for 7 days without any problems – I’ll share it!
          I am currently working on a small filter, otherwise noise in the data sometimes arrives.
          I also want to test the declared operating temperatures in the climate chamber (including up to -40 degrees) while searching for this camera in my city, as soon as I collect all the information, I can unsubscribe and share!)

          in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29324

            Hi, you were right, the problem is gone.
            50 hours of running time without problems.
            Thanks, good luck!

            in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29306

              Do you mean rsc.close();?

              in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29304

                Hello, this piece of code for getting the structure has a problem with a leak, I can’t share anything, I’ve tried a lot, what I know, I’ve run out of ideas, maybe you can help me?
                I assume that the error is in the library, because the leak occurs even if the module that should send messages is turned off.

                if (e220ttl.available()>1) {
                #ifdef ENABLE_RSSI
                rsc = e220ttl.receiveMessageRSSI(sizeof(Message));
                rsc = e220ttl.receiveMessage(sizeof(Message));
                if (rsc.status.code!=1){
                Message message = *(Message*);
                #ifdef ENABLE_RSSI
                Serial.print(“RSSI: “); Serial.print(rsc.rssi, DEC);

                When receiving STRING – there are no such problems! no leakage, regardless of module settings, leakage only on struct.

                if (e220ttl.available()>1) {
                // read the String message
                #ifdef ENABLE_RSSI
                rscc = e220ttl.receiveMessageRSSI();
                rscc = e220ttl.receiveMessage();
                if (rscc.status.code!=1){
                #ifdef ENABLE_RSSI
                Serial.print(“RSSI: “); Serial.println(rscc.rssi, DEC);

                All code is taken from examples.

                in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29299

                  Look at the photo of this after 10 minutes of work, we have the following:
                  -start – the amount of memory at the beginning of work.
                  -now – is the current amount of memory.
                  -diff – is the difference between the last measurement and the current one.
                  -loss – is the difference between start (initial) and now (current) memory.
                  Now the loss is twice as much (2144 bytes)…

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by L33t331.
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                  in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29298

                    After a minute of operation, after each received message from another module, 52-104 bytes disappear in memory, I read ESP.getFreeHeap().
                    I’ll leave the module running for a day.

                    in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29295

                      Hello, friend! I had the same assumptions about memory, but for some reason I discarded them, thinking that it was definitely not memory.
                      now the module is stuck for 18 hours of operation, the data does not reach it, the past value is = nan.
                      and there are two manual commands:
                      lora.begin – re-initialization
                      of serial2.flush.
                      if they don’t help, I’ll watch the memory.
                      do I understand correctly that you are talking about free esp memory? tell me the command to watch it, and I won’t make a mistake, I’ll display this value on the OLED screen, and leave the modules on for a day again.

                      in reply to: module hang-up e220 #29288

                        an important clarification, I only rebooted the esp, via the reset button, without resetting the power.
                        maybe I should try using one of these commands once every half hour:
                        -serial 2.flush or
                        -LoRa_E220:: flush or
                        -LoRa_E220:: cleanUARTBuffer or
                        -LoRa_220::reset ??

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