Forum Replies Created
Please give me the list of library you integrate in the project.
Bye RMHi fr,
you are right, I finally find the bug.
Thanks for your patience, I release the version 3.0.9 soon.
Thank again RenzoCiao Alex,
sugli sugli esp8266 non ho fatto molti test, ma ti dico che a parità di microcontrollore le differenze di consumi in deep sleep sono enormi.Ho fatto dei test per gli esp32 che trovi qui
ESP32 practical power saving: deep sleep and hibernation – 3e come puoi vedere la corretta demoboard ti può far risparmiare molta energia.
In generale ricorda che anche i dispositivi LoRa se non li metti in sleep consumano abbastanza.
Per sincerarti del problema dovresti dare dei test a scheda “pulita”, alcuni rimuovono i led ed altri componenti della board.
Per il sistema di alimentazione ti direi di passare alle batterie al litio ed usare un regolatore di carica tipo questo, ma in generale se è posizionato all’aperto anche un TP con un pannello solare che ti garantisce una durata sicuramente più soddisfacente tipo questo
Controllo remoto del livello dell’acqua e della pompa via LoRa (ReWaL): PCB client – 5
Con quest’ultimo riesco a far durare per settimane senza problemi (considera un utilizzo in particolare d’estate per me).
Ciao Renzo
Hi fepalmytho,
I did some test, and I find a bug on SPIFM.
I fixed It and pushed (not released).And I add an esp32 SPIFM example.
I’ll test It in the next few days.
Bye Renzo
Hi fepalmytho,
sorry, I lost these messages.It’s a good idea, If you want to try you must change this file and you must change
for the SPI Flash declaration
#include "SdFat.h" #include "Adafruit_SPIFlash.h" // Uncomment to run example with custom SPI and SS e.g with FRAM breakout #define CUSTOM_CS SS #define CUSTOM_SPI SPI #define EXTERNAL_FLASH_USE_QSPI Adafruit_FlashTransport_SPI flashTransport(CUSTOM_CS, CUSTOM_SPI); Adafruit_SPIFlash flash(&flashTransport);
I must publish the article on how to use SPI Flash on esp32, but for now you can follow the tutorial for STM32 or Pico.
STM32: add SPI flash memory with FAT FS
Sorry again, bye Renzo
check the library version.Hi Thowa,
hehehehe.. It’s possible, but try to connect the module only with the battery or add power to 3v pin.
Bye RenzoHi Thowa,
It’s very strange, the board uses esp-wroom-32 a standard IC not different from others.It’s possible that the power supply isn’t sufficient when you use this board?
Bye Renzo
for the upper version of Android you must specify in the file AndroidManifest.xml these grant<manifest> <!-- Request legacy Bluetooth permissions on older devices. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <!-- Needed only if your app looks for Bluetooth devices. If your app doesn't use Bluetooth scan results to derive physical location information, you can strongly assert that your app doesn't derive physical location. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" /> <!-- Needed only if your app makes the device discoverable to Bluetooth devices. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE" /> <!-- Needed only if your app communicates with already-paired Bluetooth devices. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" /> <!-- Needed only if your app uses Bluetooth scan results to derive physical location. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> ... </manifest>
But if It’s works with version 13 It’s very strange.
Bye Renzo
Ciao Alex,
dando per scontato che hai l’ultima versione della libreria.Innanzitutto prova a rimuovere la riga
E non usare il PWR_DWN_LOSE, a questo punto potrebbe esserci un problema li che ho fixato male
ResponseStatus rs = LoraWan.setConfiguration(configuration, WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_SAVE);
Per il risparmio energetico non stai mettendo in sleep l’esp8266, dai un occhio a quest’articolo
è per l’E32 ma il principio è lo stesso.
Ciao Renzo
Hi Paolo,
I don’t have the same model of the battery.But It’s possible that in the code you use to do the test, doesn’t this line commented?
// while (!Serial);
And check in “Computer management –> Device management –> Port (COM and LPT) the behavior of the COM port.
Bye Renzo
Hi rs77can,
to manage that situation I add 2 methods:emailSend.setAdditionalResponseLineOnConnection(1);
these methods manage strange responses from the SMTP server, use that instead of adding
in the library.Can you confirm that the space after the PublicIPDescriptor generate another problem?
Thanks Renzo
Ahh ok!
But I think you can check only the GPS status. The EByte LoRa device has a buffer where It puts all the messages to send, so you can sendMessage every time the GPS data is available.
Bye RenzoMy GPS has pin PPS waveshare L76X is it possible to synchronize the transmitting lora with the received GPS signal?
Can you explain better “synchronize the transmitting lora with the received GPS signal”?
Thanks Renzo
Hi Piotr,
To understand look at this line’s code. If the AUX pin is settled, I check when It’s going LOW else I add a big delay to wait for the device to complete the operation.
Bye Renzo -