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Viewing 15 posts - 931 through 945 (of 996 total)
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  • in reply to: two i2c bus configuration/declaration #6823
    Renzo Mischianti

      Hi Jones,

      I check and seems that esp8266 have TwoWire and I think I must include in esp8266 implementation.

      I try to test.

      Bye Renzo

      in reply to: LoRa E32 Sending message and return receipt #6717
      Renzo Mischianti

        I had thought about that, but the problem is that I must add an identification that use some byte (58byte is the limit of the packet) to identify the ack of the message and so lost a lot of space.

        And the other problem is that when receive message from multiple device, so I must add another id for the device, and lost other space, It’s a problem.

        I can’t find a generic solution without use a lot of resources.

        Bye Renzo

        in reply to: LoRa E32 Sending message and return receipt #6633
        Renzo Mischianti

          Hi Ludophot,

          the creation of generic acknowledge become difficult,

          I think you can manage with set a variable like mesArrived with set with the result of millis() when you send a message

          and set mesArrived to 0 when acknowledge arrive

          and you can set a condition like mesArrived !=0 && mesArrived + interval < millis() if enter in the if raise an error that ack not arrived.

          Or something similar.

          Bye Renzo

          in reply to: Can’t remove attached file after sending it in email #6621
          Renzo Mischianti

            Hi Norbert,

            I try to fix, please do some test with the version on this branch.

            Give me a feedback.

            Thanks Renzo

            in reply to: Can’t remove attached file after sending it in email #6602
            Renzo Mischianti

              Hi Norbert,

              please do this test comment the line

              #define OPEN_CLOSE_SPIFFS
              on EMailSender.h file and retry.

              Give me a feedback.

              Bye Renzo



              in reply to: EMail distribution list – more than one recipient #6575
              Renzo Mischianti

                Hi Mauro,

                now the library with this features is in the official branch, and released on Arduino Library manager.


                Bye Renzo

                in reply to: Empty attachment #6535
                Renzo Mischianti

                  Thanks to all,

                  I’m going to release a new library version with this fix and new distribution list features.

                  Thanks again Renzo

                  in reply to: Empty attachment #6531
                  Renzo Mischianti

                    I check on the web and seems there are a lot of problems with Outlook,

                    can you try to send the txt file directly from gmail and check in outlook?


                    Bye Renzo

                    in reply to: Empty attachment #6515
                    Renzo Mischianti

                      Try to send the attach via classic email from gmail or similar.

                      I think the problem is outlook.


                      in reply to: Empty attachment #6512
                      Renzo Mischianti

                        Hi Michael,
                        there is an error on index of txt file, so the mime type is not set

                        				fileDescriptor[0].filename = F("test.txt");
                        				fileDescriptor[0].url = F("/test.txt");
                        				fileDescriptor[1].mime = "text/plain";
                        				fileDescriptor[0].storageType =

                        I rewrite the sketch and put some example, I test It with SPIFFS and work correctly

                        I attach the sketch with all sampe file.

                        Bye Renzo

                        You must be logged in to view attached files.
                        in reply to: Empty attachment #6508
                        Renzo Mischianti

                          Hi Michael,

                          I tested now my WeMos D1 mini, and the txt attachment works correctly.

                          But It’s strange because if the file It’s 80byte mean that there are 80 character, so It isn’t empty.

                          Can you send me your code PLZ.

                          Bye Renzo


                          You must be logged in to view attached files.
                          in reply to: Empty attachment #6497
                          Renzo Mischianti

                            Hi Norbert,

                            If the file It’s 80byte mean the there are almost 80 characters. It’s very strange, try to change extension, like xml or similar.

                            Please give me a feedback.

                            Bye Renzo

                            in reply to: Is it possible to send an object with LoRa E32 device? #6458
                            Renzo Mischianti

                              Hi Ludophot,

                              String isn’t a fixed size variable, so you can’t predeterminate the size of the sctrucure, try to copy String to fixed size char

                              char msg[10];
                              string mystr = "hello";
                              strcpy(msg, mystr.c_str());


                              Give me a feedback..


                              Bye Renzo

                              in reply to: EMail distribution list – more than one recipient #6457
                              Renzo Mischianti

                                Hi Mauro,

                                to remove debug message you must comment this line

                                #define EMAIL_SENDER_DEBUG

                                If you have a better think about the structure write here without problem.


                                Bye Renzo



                                in reply to: Is it possible to send an object with LoRa E32 device? #6440
                                Renzo Mischianti

                                  Hi Ludophot,

                                  yes, I think you can refer this post to create the array of element/structure

                                  More than one pcf8574 expander


                                  I think It’s quite difficult to lost packet, because E32 have 512byte of buffer and the max packet size is 58byte, and when you read the buffer you remove the messages from that, so you can grab 512/58 >= 8 messages before read the buffer.

                                  I’m quite sure that you read the message in less than millisecs.

                                  Bye Renzo

                                Viewing 15 posts - 931 through 945 (of 996 total)