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  • syrinx

      Not a good new for this card. I hope you or someone will find a fix.

      What type of storage should be used for the USB stick of the Giga? EMAIL_STORAGE_TYPE_FFAT?



        Hello Renzo,

        Did you succeed with the Giga?

        in reply to: EMail with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi library compatibility #29786

          Thanks. Good luck.

          in reply to: EMail with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi library compatibility #29781

            Hello Renzo, did you have time to check the feasibility? Thanks.

            in reply to: EMail with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi library compatibility #29539

              Thank you very much Renzo.

              in reply to: EMail with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi library compatibility #29531

                I didn’t need this.

                • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by syrinx.
                in reply to: EMail with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi library compatibility #29530

                  I took this branch and I was able to send emails with 🙂

                  Now I’m trying to attach a CSV file I have in an USB memory stick inserted in the Giga in port USB A.

                  But the email arrived is always with an empty file (although the file is not empty in the memory stick).

                  I made several trials with in different way (FFAT, SD, SPIFFS, SPIFM, LITTLE_FS).

                  EMailSender::FileDescriptior fileDescriptor[1];
                  fileDescriptor[0].filename = F(“tapslog.csv”);
                  fileDescriptor[0].url = F(“/usb/tapslog.csv”);
                  fileDescriptor[0].mime = MIME_TEXT_PLAIN;
                  //fileDescriptor[0].mime = “text/csv”;
                  fileDescriptor[0].encode64 = false;
                  fileDescriptor[0].storageType = EMailSender::EMAIL_STORAGE_TYPE_FFAT;
                  EMailSender::Attachments attachs = { 1, fileDescriptor };

                  I get this log:

                  07:47:00.303 -> ONLY ONE RECIPIENTmiltiple destination and attachments
                  07:47:00.303 -> Insecure client:0
                  07:47:00.303 ->
                  07:47:00.303 -> 465
                  07:47:01.372 -> 220 ESMTP i9-20020a05600c354900b0040eee435571sm3147979wmq.45 – gsmtp
                  07:47:01.372 -> HELO mischianti
                  07:47:01.481 -> 250 at your service
                  07:47:01.481 -> AUTH LOGIN:
                  07:47:01.599 -> 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
                  07:47:01.599 -> Encoding
                  07:47:01.599 ->
                  07:47:01.599 -> 29
                  07:47:01.599 -> ZnhkaG9sbGFuZGVyQG9uZWJlZXJsYXRlci5jb20=
                  07:47:01.599 -> Encoding
                  07:47:01.599 ->
                  07:47:01.599 -> 29
                  07:47:01.689 -> 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
                  07:47:01.689 -> Encoding
                  07:47:01.689 -> xxPASSWORDxx
                  07:47:01.689 -> 10
                  07:47:01.689 -> Q2FzaGlzQio3NQ==
                  07:47:01.689 -> Encoding
                  07:47:01.689 -> xxPASSWORDxx
                  07:47:01.689 -> 10
                  07:47:02.204 -> 235 2.7.0 Accepted
                  07:47:02.204 -> MAIL FROM: <>
                  07:47:02.316 -> 250 2.1.0 OK i9-20020a05600c354900b0040eee435571sm3147979wmq.45 – gsmtp
                  07:47:02.316 -> RCPT TO: <>
                  07:47:02.410 -> 250 2.1.5 OK i9-20020a05600c354900b0040eee435571sm3147979wmq.45 – gsmtp
                  07:47:02.410 -> DATA:
                  07:47:02.640 -> 354 Go ahead i9-20020a05600c354900b0040eee435571sm3147979wmq.45 – gsmtp
                  07:47:03.219 -> Array: tapslog.csv
                  07:47:03.219 -> –frontier
                  07:47:03.219 -> Content-Type:
                  07:47:03.219 -> text/plain
                  07:47:03.219 -> ; charset=”UTF-8″
                  07:47:03.285 -> Readed filename: tapslog.csv
                  07:47:03.285 -> Message end
                  07:47:04.025 -> 250 2.0.0 OK 1706420824 i9-20020a05600c354900b0040eee435571sm3147979wmq.45 – gsmtp
                  07:47:04.153 -> 221 2.0.0 closing connection i9-20020a05600c354900b0040eee435571sm3147979wmq.45 – gsmtp
                  07:47:04.153 -> eMail Sending status:
                  07:47:04.153 -> resp.code: 0
                  07:47:04.153 -> resp.desc: Message sent!
                  07:47:04.153 -> resp.status: 1

                  • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by syrinx.
                  • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by syrinx.
                  in reply to: EMail with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi library compatibility #29466

                    I tried several providers, included GMX. I always get the same error, on all the ports.

                    I think I configured well EMailSender.

                    I can read also the UTC clock and connect to Arduino Iot. My Internet connection looks OK.

                    Yes, the Giga R1 Wifi doesn’t use the WiFiNINA library. It used its internal WiFi.h.

                    What can I do to help to update your library? The email is a big issue for the Giga, it seems it doesn’t exist any solution to send email with the Giga.


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