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Good Morning Renzo
I have sent a detailed email to them and waiting for reply. I had also mention your library and how good is for their business to sell more E22/E32Will information on any update.
thanksI try both E22 modules for receiver (esp8266 with pullups and esp32 without pull ups) but they cant get DTU-90 message. Maybe it has some wrong option for transparent broadcast.
Thanks for all the help Renzo.
Some remarks about this situation
1)DTU is really powerfull. I had a whip antenna and when it transmitted, the DTU reset. So have to put antenna far away
2)DTU normal mode is both m0,m1 to down position (I was using UP position idiot)
3)E22 to E22 modules can commnunicate just fine with your sketches and library.
4)E22–>DTU90 communicate just fine. Every msg i Sent is received from the other side.
5)DTU90 –>E22 messages are NOT received. TXD led on DTU90 is blinking so message is transmitted. Maybe 5 watt its too high and have to put antenna outside and try.
I can try and make a tutorial for the pcb design through easy eda if interested for your blog?
You must be logged in to view attached files.Hello Renzo
Found a problem to my PCB. Unfortunately my pulls up resistor are more like in series resistor hahaSo I ovveride the resistors and connected RX,TX,AUX without pull up to corrensding pins of esp32.
Unfortunately I still have no luck getting parameters when using ESP32 on my pcb.
I try both constructors but they dont work. In the second one, i try to manual assign the rx,tx pins. is that way correct?
* E22 —– esp32
* M0 —– 23 (or GND)
* M1 —– 22 (or 3.3v)
* RX —– 17 (PullUP)
* TX —– 16 (PullUP)
* AUX —– 4 (PullUP)
* VCC —– 3.3v/5v
* GND —– GND1)LoRa_E22 e22ttl100(&Serial2, 4, 23, 22);
2)LoRa_E22 e22ttl100(17,16,&Serial2, 4, 23, 22, UART_BPS_RATE_9600,SERIAL_8N1);
I exchanged rx/tx values and it worked! For some reaseon it doesnt work with the first contstructor. Maybe I should read better the esp32 pinout.
Grazie RenzoAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.I used an esp8266 with my second module and still no luck
21:12:23.819 -> No response from device! (Check wiring) 21:12:23.819 -> 12 21:12:24.148 -> No response from device! (Check wiring) 21:12:24.193 -> 12 21:12:24.193 -> ---------------------------------------- 21:12:24.240 -> Model no.: 70 21:12:24.288 -> Version : 6F 21:12:24.288 -> Features : 6E 21:12:24.288 -> ----------------------------------------
and here is the constructor
//LoRa_E22 e32ttl100(Microcontroller RX, Microcontroller TX, AUX, M0, M1); // RX, TX LoRa_E22 e32ttl100(D3, D2, D5, D7, D8);
I check with multimeter that there is 5v on the e22 module. I will try to remove the pull ups
21:53:29.441 -> SENDING:Hello World
21:53:29.441 -> Send message: Hello World
21:53:29.488 -> size: 13
21:53:29.488 -> AUX HIGH!
21:53:29.488 -> Complete!
21:53:29.488 -> Clear buffer...ok!
21:53:29.535 -> Success- Remove resistor (no change)
- Changed antennas (no change)
- Restore settings on both dtu and e22 (no change)
I will try to see if the module is transmiting with an sdr.
Is the loop for receiving correct?
// If something available
if (e22ttl100.available()>1) {
// read the String message
ResponseContainer rc = e22ttl100.receiveMessageRSSI();
ResponseContainer rc = e22ttl100.receiveMessage();
// Is something goes wrong print error
if (rc.status.code!=1){
// Print the data received
Serial.print("RSSI: "); Serial.println(rc.rssi, DEC);
#endifthanks again for your great blog
As you write in another post (
E90-DTU+ SL+xxx use E22 modules inside. so E90-DTU+SL can work E22-T modules if their frequency is same(433/915)
My modules are E90-DTU-400SL37 and E22-400T-30D so they must communicate if the parameters are the same.
Receiving to the esp8266 should have worked because it needs minimal power (but it doesnt)
How can I declare the correct module in the sketch?
Grazie mille 🙂
Hello Renzo
Using an esp8266 and a breadboard it works just fine to retrieve parameters.
But I have problem with transparent transmission or receiving.
The one module is a dtu-90 and the other is an e22-400t30d.
They have the same settings as per screenshot.
1)Is the E22 transmission power correct? do I need to declare the 1 watt module?
2)Maybe E22 needs more ampere than the esp8266 can deliver so brownout? (but there is a success response when I send message)
3) Maybe modules are too close and the signal is too strong?
You must be logged in to view attached files.I can’t find any debug variable in the sketch. I think it is enabled.
I have E22-400T30D. I will use a simple breadboard to try to get the parameters.
I get a “check wiring” message on terminal.
I will use a simple breadboard to check the module.
Debug mode you mean to put the module M1 high for configuration mode?
Connecting M1 to vcc would be ok?