FlatCAM practical tutorial: introduction, installation, and import – Part 1

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First, I’d like to add the description of FlatCAM on the main site:

FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing. (cit.)

I remember the tutorial to create a cheap and straightforward CNC, from mechanical part (3D printed) to electronic (Arduino CNC shield).


Here some work

My Arduino shield for LoRa e32 device (3Km to 8Km range)

Milled Arduino Shield LoRa EBYTE E32 copper clad
Milled Arduino Shield LoRa EBYTE E32 copper clad
Milled Arduino Shield LoRa EBYTE E32 Check with Logic Analyzer
Milled Arduino Shield LoRa EBYTE E32 Check with Logic Analyzer

LoRa e32 WeMos D1 shield

Milled WeMos D1 Shield LoRa EBYTE E32
Milled WeMos D1 Shield LoRa EBYTE E32
Milled WeMos D1 Shield LoRa EBYTE E32 mounted
Milled WeMos D1 Shield LoRa EBYTE E32 mounted

My board to control my Inverter ABB Aurora.

ABB Aurora PCB multiple steps

So now you have an idea of what this software is, I have been using FlatCAM 8 for years, but I didn’t know that the project had been heavily resumed and updated.
So we will explain not base version 8 but the new 8 beta that Marius Stanciu now develops.

Installation of new FlatCAM 8.991 version

Now to install the latest beta version, you must go to this link


Then for windows, there is an installer on the download page.

For the other platform, you must use the installation via source code, you can follow the specified guide, the Linux target distro is Ubuntu, and a setup file for the dependencies is provided

#!/bin/sh -e
# "-e" exists on first error.

sudo apt-get install libpng-dev \
                libfreetype6 \
				libfreetype6-dev \
				python3-dev \
				python3-simplejson \
				python3-pyqt4 \
				python3-numpy \
				python3-scipy \
				python3-matplotlib \
				libgeos-dev \
				python-shapely \
				python-pip \
				libspatialindex-dev \
				python3-tk \
				python3-shapely \
				python3-rtree \

The Python dependencies required are this.

  • Python 2.7 32-bit
  • PyQt 4
  • Matplotlib 1.3.1
  • Numpy 1.8
  • Shapely 1.3
    • GEOS (Binary package required by Shapely)
  • RTree
    • SpatialIndex (Binary package required by RTree)

For MAC OS, after installing Python, the procedure with brew is recommended

brew install pyqt
brew install geos
brew install spatialindex

pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install rtree
pip install scipy
pip install shapely
pip install simplejson

Then start FlatCAM with python executable

python FlatCAM.py

New platform design

Here is the old design of FlatCAM 8.5

FlatCAM main screen

now FlatCAM 8.991 beta

FlatCAM Beta main screen
FlatCAM Beta main screen

You can see that the files in the project area are hierarchically organized, the toolbar is removed, and now you can find It inside the menu.

Essential things are the possibility of doing a dynamic border cutting (follow a profile), formalizing the standard Project file, and others.

There are new Tools like the insert of QR Code, a Tools Database, and others; now, we will create a simple PCB from a Gerber file.

Start a simple project

First, you need a Gerber; I use the simple project created some months ago on this tutorial, “Milling PCB tutorial”. I add only some upgrades to the PCB, but nothing special.

PCB Fritzing schema of pcf8574 prototipyng board
PCB Fritzing schema of pcf8574 prototipyng board

You can find the gerber on my GitHub here.

Now you must import the layer you need, for our work naturally is the bottom.

So you are going to File --> Open --> Open Gerber... and select

  • PCB_PCF8574_03_contour.gm1 (contour of your PCB)
  • PCB_PCF8574_03_copperBottom.gbl (copper traces)
  • PCB_PCF8574_03_silkBottom.gbo (some description that we are going to mill on PCB)

then you must import the drilling information; this type of information is stored in an Excellon file

File --> Open --> Open Excellon...

  • PCB_PCF8574_03_drill.txt (drilling information)

The result is in this screen

FlatCAM Beta first import of Gerber and Excellon
FlatCAM Beta first import of Gerber and Excellon

Put it in the right direction

Now, this is the file that descript an essential part of our PCB, but these parts are the upper view’s draw, so we must reverse the visualization.

You must go on Tool --> 2-Sided PCB.

Then, we can use an Axis Ref the box, and we can select a PCB_PCF8574_03_contour.gm1 as Box Reference.

FlatCAM Beta mirror elements
FlatCAM Beta mirror elements

X or Y Mirror Axis isn’t important, but I’d like to mirror on Y in this case.

FlatCAM Beta mirrored elements
FlatCAM Beta mirrored elements.

Now we will add a simple image like a Gerber element; for this purpose, I take a Ground symbol to add near the G.
It’s better if It’s a Black/White image (pay attention; It must be a well-defined image with no artifact), you can find the picture I used in the same GitHub article.

So go to File --> Import --> Image as Object and then in the Image to PCB the the the panel, select the image and open It; the symbol Gerber GND symbol is imported randomly, so you must move It.

Select the Gerber by clicking on It FlatCAM gerber GND symbol selected, then go to Edit Move FlatCAM move menu item now you have an empty selection, and when you click on a specified space, the image is copied there.

The result now is

FlatCAM Beta inserire un'immagine JPG
FlatCAM Beta inserire un’immagine JPG

Video recap


  1. FlatCAM practical tutorial: introduction, installation and import
  2. FlatCAM practical tutorial: copper traces geometry
  3. FlatCAM practical tutorial: clean non copper area
  4. FlatCAM practical tutorial: silkscreen geometry
  5. FlatCAM practical tutorial: contour
  6. FlatCAM practical tutorial: gcode and PCB milling

You can find Gerber, fritzing, images, and FlatCAM project files here.

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6 Responses

  1. Hi Renzo,
    you have a very nice tutorial about FlatCAM.
    I liked FlatCAM a lot, but under the new Linux Mint I cannot run it anymore as PyQt4 is missing.
    Also the beta 8.994 and old_flatcam_pyqt5 (which in fact tries to import PyQt4) do not work.
    Do you know about some remedy to this problem?
    Nice greetings,

  2. Moises Munoz says:

    I am starting with FlatCam and I came across this tutorial. It is very interesting. I only found that tutorial 2 is not enabled, could you please post it again?

  3. jbeale1 says:

    FlatCam looks very interesting, but I’m unable to install on Linux Mint 20 due to the Qt4 requirement. I only have Qt5. Is there some way to use it on Linux Mint? Are there plans to move to Qt5? According to the Qt webpage, Qt5 came out in 2012 and Qt4 has been unsupported since 2015.

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