Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: specs and basic use – 1

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Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 specs basic usage
Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 specs basic usage

LoRa or Long Range wireless data telemetry is a technology pioneered by Semtech that operates at a lower frequency than NRF24L01 (433 MHz, 868 MHz, or 916 MHz against 2.4 GHz for the NRF24L01) but at thrice the distance (from 4000m to 10000m).

Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 2 devices
Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 2 devices

You can find here AliExpress (433MHz 5.5Km) - AliExpress (433MHz 10Km) - AliExpress (868MHz 915Mhz 5.5Km) - AliExpress (868MHz 915Mhz 10Km)

We are going to test E22-400T22D and E22-400T22S. It is a wireless transceiver module, operates at 410 493 MHz based on original RFIC SX1268 from SEMTECH, transparent transmission is available, TTL level. The module adopts LORA spread spectrum technology.

Like the little brother e22 the module features FEC Forward Error Correction algorithm, which ensure its high coding efficiency & good correction performance. In the case of sudden interference, it can correct the interfered data packets automatically, so that the reliability and transmission range are improved correspondingly. But without FEC, those da te packets can only be dropped.
And with the rigorous encryption & decryption, data interception becomes pointless. The function of data compression can decrease the transmission time & probability of being interference, while improving the reliability & transmission efficiency.

Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 carrier sense
Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 carrier sense

But more than e22 this module have a carrier sense features, that wait transmission if there are some air interference, can be used like a repeater, have watchdog that if there is an error device restart and continue working, have deep sleep for better power saving, and first the sx1268 with less power grant more power.

Ebyte LoRa E22 device repeater relay function ultra long distance
Ebyte LoRa E22 device repeater relay function ultra long distance

Remotely configure or read wireless module parameters by sending command packets wirelessly.

And finally have an important features the RSSI, you can check the signal strenght on all message sended.

Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 RSSI signal strength
Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266 RSSI signal strength

Operating and transmission type

This device have some interesting function:


LoRa E22 transmitting scenarios

Transparent transmission

This can be considered like a “Demo mode”, by default you can send message to all device of same configured address and channel.

Fixed transmission

This type of transmission you can specify an address and a channel where where you want send the message.
You can send message to a:

  • Specified device with a predeterminated Address Low, Address High and Channel.
LoRa E22 Fixed message to a specified device
  • Broadcast a message on predeterminated Channel.
Broadcast message to a set of channel devices

Normal mode

Simply send message.

Wake-up mode and power-saving mode

As you can intend if a device is in Wake-up mode can “wake” one or more devices that are in power-saving mode with a preamble communication.

Program/sleep mode

With this configuration you can change configuration of your device.


Here’s the specifications for the module:

Main ParametersValueRemarks
Operating voltage(V)2.3 5.05.5≥5.0 V ensures output power
Communication level(V)3.3For 5V TTL, it may be at risk of burning down
Operating temperature(℃)-40 85Industrial design
Operating frequency(MHz)410.125433.125493.125 Support ISM band
TX Current(mA)110Instant power consumption
RX current(mA) 12
Sleep current(μA)2Software is shut down
Max Tx power(dBm) 21.5 22.0 22.5
Receiving sensitivity(dBm)-146 -147 -148Air data rate is 0.3 kbps
Air data rate(bps) 0.3k2.4k 62.5kControlled via user’s programming

Main parameter DescriptionRemarks
Distance for reference 5kmTest condition:clear and open area, antenna gain: 5dBi,antenna height:2.5m,air data rate: 2.4kbps
TX length 240 ByteCan be configured via command as 32/64/128/240 bytes per packet totransmit
Buffer1000 Byte
ModulationLoRaNew generation LoRa modulation technology
Communication interface UARTTTL level
Size 21*36 mm
Antenna SMA50 ohm impedance
  • Communication Interface: UART – 8N1, 8E1, 8O1, Eight kinds of UART baud Rate, from 1200 to 115200bps (Default: 9600)
Electronic parameterMin.Typ. Max. Unit Condition
Power supply3.33.65.5V 
Communication level3.03.33.6V 
Transmitting current95100105mA22dBm(160mW)
Receiving current66.57mA 
Sleep current123nA 
Operating temperature-4020+85℃ 
Operating humidity106090% 
Storage temperature-4020+125℃ 

You must pay attention on communication level that differ from power supply, the second can receive voltage like 3.3v (esp8266 and esp32) and 5v (Arduino), but the first want a 3.3v, so to connecto to an Arduino you must use a Voltage divider (Voltage divider: calculator and application) to prevent damage to the device.


sx1278 sx1276 wireless lora uart module serial 3000m arduino 433 rf
Pin No.Pin itemPin directionPin application
1M0Input(weak pull-up)Work with M1 & decide the four operating modes.Floating is not allowed, can be ground.
2M1Input(weak pull-up)Work with M0 & decide the four operating modes.Floating is not allowed, can be ground.
3RXDInputTTL UART inputs, connects to external (MCU, PC) TXD outputpin. Can be configured as open-drain or pull-up input.
4TXDOutputTTL UART outputs, connects to external RXD (MCU, PC) input pin. Can be configured as open-drain or push-pull output



To indicate module’s working status & wakes up the external MCU. During the procedure of self-check initialization, the pin outputs low level. Can be configured as open-drain output orpush-pull output (floating is allowed).
6VCCPower supply 2.3V~5.5V DC

As you can see you can set various modes via M0 and M1 pins.

Normal00UART and wireless channel are open, transparent transmission is on
WOR mode01Can be defined as WOR transmitter and WOR receiver
Configuration mode10Users can access the register through the serial port to control the working state of the module
Deep sleep mode11Sleep mode.

Normal mode connection

For the next simple test we are going to use Normal mode.

Connecting Wemos D1 mini (esp8266) for a basic usage

esp8266 have the advantage to have same voltage of communication interface so the connection schema is more simple than Arduino.

LoRa E22-TTL-100 Wemos D1 breadboard

It’s important to add pull-up resistor (4,7Kohm) to get good stability.

M0GND (Set normal mode)
M1GND (Set normal mode)
RXPIN D2 (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
TXPIN D3 (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
AUXNot connected

Connecting esp32 for a basic usage

As WeMos, esp32 logic works at 3.3v but It have 3 HardwareSerial, so we are going to use Serial2.

Ebyte LoRa E22 device esp32 dev kit v1 breadboard transparent transmission (normal mode)
Ebyte LoRa E22 device esp32 dev kit v1 breadboard transparent transmission (normal mode)
M0GND (Set normal mode)
M1GND (Set normal mode)
RXTX2 (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
TXRX2 (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
AUXNot connected

Connecting Arduino MKR for a basic usage

Ebyte LoRa Exx Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 normal mode connected breadboard
Ebyte LoRa Exx Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 normal mode connected breadboard
E22Arduino MKR
M0GND (Set normal mode)
M1GND (Set normal mode)
TXPIN 14 Tx (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
RXPIN 13 Rx (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
AUXPIN 1 (PullUP 4,7KΩ)

Connecting Arduino for a basic usage

Arduino working voltage is 5v, so we need to add a voltage divider on RX pin of LoRa module to prevent damage, you can get more information here Voltage divider: calculator and application.

You can use a 2Kohm resistor to GND and 1Kohm from signal than put together on RX.

LoRa E22-TTL-100 Arduino breadboard
M0GND (Set normal mode)
M1GND (Set normal mode)
RXPIN D2 (PullUP 4,7KΩ & Voltage divider)
TXPIN D3 (PullUP 4,7KΩ)
AUXNot connected

Simple communication sketch

If you put to 0 M1 and M0 pin you enter in “Normal” mode, than you can receive and trasmit all the data from device A to B, this modality is defined “Trasparent transmission”.

You can use 2 Arduinos or 2 Wemos D1 mini or one of kind.

At start send a message and if you write on serial from one of device the text is transferred to the other device. You can use 2 Arduinos or 2 Wemos or one and one as you prefer.

Arduino sketch

 * LoRa E22 
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- Arduino UNO
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * TX         ----- PIN 2 (PullUP)
 * RX         ----- PIN 3 (PullUP & Voltage divider)
 * AUX        ----- Not connected
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // Arduino RX --> e22 TX - Arduino TX --> e22 RX

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  mySerial.println("Hello, world?");

void loop() {
  if (mySerial.available()) {
  if (Serial.available()) {

Wemos D1 mini sketch

 * LoRa E22 
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22         ----- Wemos D1 mini
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * TX         ----- PIN D2 (PullUP)
 * RX         ----- PIN D3 (PullUP)
 * AUX        ----- Not connected
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(D2, D3); // WeMos RX --> e22 TX - WeMos TX --> e22 RX

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  mySerial.println("Hello, world?");

void loop() {
  if (mySerial.available()) {
  if (Serial.available()) {

esp32 sketch

 * LoRa E22 
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- esp32
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * TX         ----- RX2 (PullUP)
 * RX         ----- TX2 (PullUP)
 * AUX        ----- Not connected
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  Serial2.println("Hello, world?");

void loop() {
  if (Serial2.available()) {
  if (Serial.available()) {

Arduino MKR sketch

 * LoRa E22 
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- Arduino MKR
 * M0         ----- 2 (or GND)
 * M1         ----- 3 (or GND)
 * RX         ----- 14 (PullUP)
 * TX         ----- 13 (PullUP)
 * AUX        ----- 1  (PullUP)
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  Serial1.println("Hello, world?");

void loop() {
  if (Serial1.available()) {
  if (Serial.available()) {

But this basic usage is quite unusefully, so in the next chapter we are going to use my library and go in deep of device features.


EByte LoRa E22 E32 Arduino library manager
EByte LoRa E22 E32 Arduino library manager

Here the last example with my library:

Arduino sketch

 * LoRa E22
 * Write on serial to transfer a message to other device
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- Arduino UNO
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * TX         ----- PIN 2 (PullUP)
 * RX         ----- PIN 3 (PullUP & Voltage divider)
 * AUX        ----- Not connected
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LoRa_E22.h"

LoRa_E22 e22ttl(2, 3); // Arduino RX --> e22 TX - Arduino TX --> e22 RX

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  // Startup all pins and UART

  // Send message
  ResponseStatus rs = e22ttl.sendMessage("Hello, world?");
  // Check If there is some problem of successfully send

void loop() {
	// If something available
  if (e22ttl.available()>1) {
	  // read the String message
	ResponseContainer rc = e22ttl.receiveMessage();
	// Is something goes wrong print error
	if (rc.status.code!=1){
		// Print the data received
  if (Serial.available()) {
	  String input = Serial.readString();

Wemos D1 (esp8266) sketch

 * LoRa E22
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- Wemos D1 mini
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * TX         ----- PIN D2 (PullUP)
 * RX         ----- PIN D3 (PullUP)
 * AUX        ----- Not connected
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LoRa_E22.h"

LoRa_E22 e22ttl(D2, D3); // WeMos RX --> e22 TX - WeMos TX --> e22 RX

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  // Startup all pins and UART

  // Send message
  ResponseStatus rs = e22ttl.sendMessage("Hello, world?");
  // Check If there is some problem of successfully send

void loop() {
	// If something available
  if (e22ttl.available()>1) {
	  // read the String message
	ResponseContainer rc = e22ttl.receiveMessage();
	// Is something goes wrong print error
	if (rc.status.code!=1){
		// Print the data received
  if (Serial.available()) {
	  String input = Serial.readString();

esp32 sketch

 * LoRa E22
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- esp32
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * TX         ----- RX2 (PullUP)
 * RX         ----- TX2 (PullUP)
 * AUX        ----- Not connected
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LoRa_E22.h"

LoRa_E22 e22ttl(&Serial2); // WeMos RX --> e22 TX - WeMos TX --> e22 RX

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  // Startup all pins and UART

  // Send message
  ResponseStatus rs = e22ttl.sendMessage("Hello, world?");
  // Check If there is some problem of successfully send

void loop() {
	// If something available
  if (e22ttl.available()>1) {
	  // read the String message
	ResponseContainer rc = e22ttl.receiveMessage();
	// Is something goes wrong print error
	if (rc.status.code!=1){
		// Print the data received
  if (Serial.available()) {
	  String input = Serial.readString();

Arduino MKR sketch

 * LoRa E22
 * Start device or reset to send a message
 * https://mischianti.org
 * E22        ----- Arduino MKR
 * M0         ----- GND
 * M1         ----- GND
 * RX         ----- 14 (PullUP)
 * TX         ----- 13 (PullUP)
 * AUX        ----- 1  (PullUP)
 * VCC        ----- 3.3v/5v
 * GND        ----- GND
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LoRa_E22.h"

LoRa_E22 e22ttl(&Serial1); // WeMos RX --> e22 TX - WeMos TX --> e22 RX

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Hi, I'm going to send message!");

  // Startup all pins and UART

  // Send message
  ResponseStatus rs = e22ttl.sendMessage("Hello, world?");
  // Check If there is some problem of successfully send

void loop() {
	// If something available
  if (e22ttl.available()>1) {
	  // read the String message
	ResponseContainer rc = e22ttl.receiveMessage();
	// Is something goes wrong print error
	if (rc.status.code!=1){
		// Print the data received
  if (Serial.available()) {
	  String input = Serial.readString();

If you have already change configuration you must restore base parameter:

//  If you have ever change configuration you must restore It
	ResponseStructContainer c;
	c = e22ttl.getConfiguration();
	Configuration configuration = *(Configuration*) c.data;
	configuration.CHAN = 0x17;
	configuration.OPTION.fixedTransmission = FT_TRANSPARENT_TRANSMISSION;
	e22ttl.setConfiguration(configuration, WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_SAVE);

but we are going to see It better in the next article.


But this kind of usage is very very reductive, in the next articles we are going more in deep, and we start to use massively the library to simplify the complex configuration and settings.

  1. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: settings and basic usage
  2. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: library
  3. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: configuration
  4. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: fixed transmission, broadcast, monitor, and RSSI
  5. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: power-saving and sending structured data
  6. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: repeater mode and remote settings
  7. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: WOR microcontroller and Arduino shield
  8. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: WOR microcontroller and WeMos D1 shield
  9. Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: WOR microcontroller and esp32 dev v1 shield

Shield and PCB

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18 Responses

  1. terr4ik says:

    what’s the difference between E22-400T22D and E22-400T22S ?

  2. Vitor says:


    Help us! We need the E22 library hahahaha

    Thanks for help

    • Hi Vitor,
      hehehe, the link to the library is not very visible, i add It here GitHub Library.

      But I think you want the article Libray, it ‘s ready but i must publish different other articles, and I have few time.

      If you have problem with the usage you can write on forum without problem.

      I think I need to find some people to help me: P

      Bye Renzo

    • Hi Vitor,
      I publish the new article library 😛
      Bye Renzo

  3. Kadir says:

    Hello mischianti, I have a problem with e22 model. I enable debug and output as below :

    RX MIC —> -1
    TX MIC —> -1
    AUX —> 18
    M0 —> 21
    M1 —> 19
    Init AUX pin!
    Init M0 pin!
    Init M1 pin!
    Begin ex
    Begin Hardware Serial
    Available buffer: 12 structure size: 12

    HEAD : C1 0 9

    AddH : 0
    AddL : 3
    NetID : 0

    Chan : 23 -> 433MHz

    SpeedParityBit : 0 -> 8N1 (Default)
    SpeedUARTDatte : 11 -> 9600bps (default)
    SpeedAirDataRate : 10 -> 2.4kbps (default)

    OptionSubPacketSett: 0 -> 240bytes (default)
    OptionTranPower : 0 -> 22dBm (Default)
    OptionRSSIAmbientNo: 1 -> Enabled

    TransModeWORPeriod : 11 -> 2000ms (default)
    TransModeTransContr: 0 -> WOR Receiver (default)
    TransModeEnableLBT : 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnableRSSI: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnabRepeat: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeFixedTrans: 1 -> Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)


    HEAD : C1 0 9

    AddH : 0
    AddL : 3
    NetID : 0

    Chan : 23 -> 433MHz

    SpeedParityBit : 0 -> 8N1 (Default)
    SpeedUARTDatte : 11 -> 9600bps (default)
    SpeedAirDataRate : 10 -> 2.4kbps (default)

    OptionSubPacketSett: 0 -> 240bytes (default)
    OptionTranPower : 0 -> 22dBm (Default)
    OptionRSSIAmbientNo: 1 -> Enabled

    TransModeWORPeriod : 11 -> 2000ms (default)
    TransModeTransContr: 0 -> WOR Receiver (default)
    TransModeEnableLBT : 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnableRSSI: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnabRepeat: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeFixedTrans: 1 -> Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)

    Clear buffer…ok!
    Available buffer: 0 structure size: 12

    HEAD : C0 0 9

    AddH : 0
    AddL : 3
    NetID : 0

    Chan : 23 -> 433MHz

    SpeedParityBit : 0 -> 8N1 (Default)
    SpeedUARTDatte : 11 -> 9600bps (default)
    SpeedAirDataRate : 10 -> 2.4kbps (default)

    OptionSubPacketSett: 0 -> 240bytes (default)
    OptionTranPower : 0 -> 22dBm (Default)
    OptionRSSIAmbientNo: 1 -> Enabled

    TransModeWORPeriod : 11 -> 2000ms (default)
    TransModeTransContr: 0 -> WOR Receiver (default)
    TransModeEnableLBT : 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnableRSSI: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnabRepeat: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeFixedTrans: 1 -> Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)

    Save mode returned not recognized!
    Available buffer: 12 structure size: 12

    HEAD : C1 0 9

    AddH : 0
    AddL : 3
    NetID : 0

    Chan : 23 -> 433MHz

    SpeedParityBit : 0 -> 8N1 (Default)
    SpeedUARTDatte : 11 -> 9600bps (default)
    SpeedAirDataRate : 10 -> 2.4kbps (default)

    OptionSubPacketSett: 0 -> 240bytes (default)
    OptionTranPower : 0 -> 22dBm (Default)
    OptionRSSIAmbientNo: 1 -> Enabled

    TransModeWORPeriod : 11 -> 2000ms (default)
    TransModeTransContr: 0 -> WOR Receiver (default)
    TransModeEnableLBT : 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnableRSSI: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnabRepeat: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeFixedTrans: 1 -> Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)

    HEAD : C1 0 9

    AddH : 0
    AddL : 3
    NetID : 0

    Chan : 23 -> 433MHz

    SpeedParityBit : 0 -> 8N1 (Default)
    SpeedUARTDatte : 11 -> 9600bps (default)
    SpeedAirDataRate : 10 -> 2.4kbps (default)

    OptionSubPacketSett: 0 -> 240bytes (default)
    OptionTranPower : 0 -> 22dBm (Default)
    OptionRSSIAmbientNo: 1 -> Enabled

    TransModeWORPeriod : 11 -> 2000ms (default)
    TransModeTransContr: 0 -> WOR Receiver (default)
    TransModeEnableLBT : 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnableRSSI: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeEnabRepeat: 0 -> Disabled (default)
    TransModeFixedTrans: 1 -> Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)

    What might be the problem with it ?

    • Hi Kadir,
      sorry if I answer only now, but your message go in spam.
      In all the request only one time you have trouble, I think can be a connection problem.
      Try to change pull-up resistor.
      Bye Renzo

  4. Marcin says:

    First of all, thanks for great library!
    I have a question: can E220 modules talk to SX12XX modules?
    I have E220-900T30D and some SX1276 modules, but i can’t set them to talk to each other.
    SX modules – i can setup: Frequency, Spreading Factor, Signal Bandwidth, Coding Rate, Preamble Length, Sync Word, or CRC, but E220 modules doesn’t have mostly those settings.
    On E220 I can set ADDH, ADDL (is that SyncWord???), air data rate (is that freq, and spreading factor combination? couldn’t find any documentation), Channel (no idea how to change channel on SX-modules) etc. If it’s possible, how to connfigure both modules to talk each other?

    • Hi Marcin,
      surely not with E220, because these modules not use the old sx12xx but LLCC68 chip.
      You can try to use e22 or e32 based on sx12xx, but I think It difficult to communicate each other.
      EByte module have a lot of features on top of the raw chip: FEC, spectrum analyzer, repeater function (e22), advanced WOR, and expecially a transparent encryption system so if you receive/intercept the message without encryption algorithm and the relative keyyou can’t read It.

      Channel is the frequency, ADDL and ADDH is the address of the remote device.

      Bye Renzo

  5. Sebastian says:

    Hola, gracias por tu publicación.
    Tienes alguna idea de como se puede hacer un Gateway con ese modulo, tengo 10 dispositivos E220 (con las direcciones del 1 al 10 respectivamente), estos dispositivos envían a un dispositivo con la dirección 11, pero en ocasiones no puedo recibir los datos de los 10 dispositivos en el mismo instante o con algunos segundos de diferencia, (Esto es por que cada 30 minutos se requiere saber los datos que envían los dispositivos ).

    • Hi Sebastian,
      please next time use English.
      EByte offer Gateway like this one or you can implement a gateway that use more than one interface that simple read and flush buffer immediately and put the data on an MQTT server.
      Bye Renzo

  6. Vasilij says:

    Hi, first thank U for a great libary and documentation.
    How to set encryption Key ?
    Like this
    configuration.CRYPT = 123; // – This produce error

  7. Richard White says:

    Hello – I am using your E22 library to transmit and receive successfully! I have one question – when I receive a message, how can I figure out which device sent it? In other words, how do I read the ADDL and ADDH of the sender? Is there a way to get this information from the ResponseStructContainer rsc = e22ttl.receiveMessageRSSI(sizeof(Message))? Thank you!

    • Hi Richard,
      a lot of people need this, but you must manage the sender address in your data structure, there is no way to retrieve It from the header of the packet.
      Bye Renzo

      • Richard White says:

        Thank you for your articles and quick response! What you are saying is now clear to me. After carefully reading what you wrote about transmission type you commented: “The module changes its address and channel when transmit. And it will revert to original setting after complete the process.” I guess the correct way to do this would be to add this information as part of the payload as you’ve indicated.

  8. Richard White says:

    Hello again – RSSI data comes in fine when I receive a message from a transmitter. I notice however in the E22 documentation and your library a comment about RSSIAmbientNoise. If I enable this, how can I get ambient noise data without transmitting? I don’t see how to do this in the library. Thanks!

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