36 Search results

For the term "ebyte shield".

E32 Shield on E220 | Help

Hello, I have bought the shield that you sell for the E32 EBYTE, but I am using it with an E220, I am modifying the basic code so that it receives and sends simple...

Ebyte LoRa E220 LLCC68 device manage Wake On Radio and sending structured data 4

Ebyte LoRa E220 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: manage Wake On Radio and sends structured data – 5

In this article, we look at the Wake On Radio (WOR), one of the essential features of our Ebyte E220 UART LoRa device based on LLCC68 Wireless Modules.
Then we understand how to manage complex structures that are better optimized than string format data.

Ebyte LoRa E22 power-saving WOR and structured data 14

Ebyte LoRa E22 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: power-saving WOR and structured data – 5

Now we’re looking at Wake On Radio (WOR) and power-saving, one of the essential features of our E22 UART LoRa device based on popular Semtech’s SX1262, SX1268 RF chips.
Then we’ll understand how to manage complex structures that are better optimized than string format data.

Reply To: E220-900T30D No Interrupt

Hi William, to manage the WOR, you must do some additional things. To preserve Sleep mode, you must hold down the M0 M1 pin and enable the ext GPIO wake-up. You can find what...


Gist of E220_Ticker_Test_Receiver.ino RTC_DATA_ATTR is not saving variables when going to deep sleep. Trying to create elapsed timer using Ticker library; minuteTicker.attach keeps re-initalizing intterrupt. Another RTC variable does not work; bootcount is always ...

Reply To: ESP32-S3 deep_sleep with E220

Hi Fabiooo, the problem of deep sleep was explained here, to be sure to read the message you must use light sleep. The power-consuming difference isn’t so big, so It’s preferable. Bye Renzo

Reply To: Board Esp-f (Based with ESP8266) WDT Reset

Ciao Alex, dando per scontato che hai l’ultima versione della libreria. Innanzitutto prova a rimuovere la riga LoraWan_Config.close(); E non usare il PWR_DWN_LOSE, a questo punto potrebbe esserci un problema li che ho fixato...

Reply To: E22 deep sleep mode

Hi Musti, I write an article on how to manage the microcontroller deep sleep with E32, and you can find It here Ebyte LoRa E32 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: WOR (wake on...