ESP32: pinout, specs and Arduino IDE configuration – Part 1
ESP32, a little guide on how to use this low cost but powerful microcontroller with WIFI integrated.
Pinout, specification and IDE configuration to start use your esp32.
ESP32, a little guide on how to use this low cost but powerful microcontroller with WIFI integrated.
Pinout, specification and IDE configuration to start use your esp32.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. GET and JSON formatter.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. Startup.
RS-485 work as a broadcast; when you send a message, all devices connected to the wire receive that, so peoples use It is better to implement a lot of protocol to send a message to a specified device or a broadcast address. This article uses regular communication from two devices in a very simple way.