WeMos D1 (esp8266) manage relay and shield
To help fast prototyping I’m going to create a set of shield for WeMos D1 mini, the shield manage a 3.3v relay with configurable pins
To help fast prototyping I’m going to create a set of shield for WeMos D1 mini, the shield manage a 3.3v relay with configurable pins
For fast prototyping, I will create a set of shields for the WeMos D1 mini; the first is a service board with integrated pcf8574 IC, an encoder, and five other pins to use as input or output.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Now a case where you can insert all the component to complete the work.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
It’s time to upload the program and front end to test your device.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Now we must solder and assembly the free PCB that I create for this centraline.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
It is time to understand how the data we have recovered will be shown, both historical and in real time.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Here I’d like to explain how to configure WiFi first time and I show REST API of the device.
One most common need when you use IOT device with WIFI is the first connection attemp, It’s very tedious to hard code WIFI parameter, but a library allows you to connect your esp8266/esp32 to different Access Points (AP) without having to hard code and upload new code to your board. Additionally, you can also add custom parameters (variables) and manage multiple SSID connections with the WiFiManager library.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. CORS request, OPTION and POST.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. The CORS request tunnel, OPTION and GET verbs.