Category: Electronic

LoRa E32 E22 ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 v2.2 milled pcb assembled 0

ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 EByte LoRa E32, E22 and E220 shield

I’m going to publish my LoRa shield for WeMos LOLIN32. This is one of my favorite microcontrollers, and until now, I have been using a simplified version of shield for rapid prototyping, but in the end, I created a more complete version, and I share it with everyone.

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) Client case assembling 0

LoRa remote water level and pump controller (ReWaL): assemble client and 3D printed case – 7

I must fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar/battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify to the server.

Now we put all the Client components in the relative Case.

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) Server case assembling 0

LoRa remote water level and pump controller (ReWaL): assemble server and 3D printed case – 6

I must fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar/battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify to the server.

Now we put all the Server components in the relative Case.

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) Client PCB assembling 0

LoRa remote water level and pump controller (ReWaL): Client PCB – 5

I must fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar / battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify It to the server.
Here we are going to assemble the Client PCB.