ESP32 S2 Ai-thinker ESP 12K high resolution pinout and specs
ESP32 S2 Ai-thinker ESP 12K high resolution draw of pinout and specs
Electronic, 3D printing and embedded programming
ESP32 S2 Ai-thinker ESP 12K high resolution draw of pinout and specs
ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 high resolution draw of pinout and specs
Notifications in all their forms and methods are fundamental, here is a tutorial on how to send emails and sms simultaneously with our nodemcu.
DOIT ESP32 DEV KIT v1: high resolution draw of pinout and specs
ESP32 S2 Saola 1MI high resolution draw of pinout and specs
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
The monitoring is necessary to find the problems and thanks to the WIM I can promptly fix the error of the inverter E013.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Now a case where you can insert all the component to complete the work.
Here is a tutorial on Ebyte E22 LoRa (Long Range) library device very cheap and long-range (from 4Km to 10Km).
Library specification
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
It’s time to upload the program and front end to test your device.
I would like to introduce version 2 of the EMailSender library, a great evolution compared to version 1, with support for Arduino with w5100, w5200 and w5500 ethernet devices and enc28J60 clone devices, support for esp32 and esp8266 and finally (from version 2.2.0) support for all Arduino (SAMD) devices using the WiFiNINA library (Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2, Arduino NANO 33 IoT, Arduino MKR 1010 and Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 WiFi etc.). Now you can add attachments also, loaded from storage device like SD or SPIFFS.