Renzo Mischianti Articles


How to interface Arduino, esp8266 or esp32 to RS-485

RS-485 work as a broadcast; when you send a message, all devices connected to the wire receive that, so peoples use It is better to implement a lot of protocol to send a message to a specified device or a broadcast address. This article uses regular communication from two devices in a very simple way.

FlatCAM pratical tutorial gcode and milling PCB 2

FlatCAM practical tutorial: gcode and PCB milling – Part 6

FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to create gcode and show the milling process.

FlatCAM pratical tutorial Countour 0

FlatCAM practical tutorial: contour – Part 5

FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going mill contour.

FlatCAM pratical tutorial silkscreen geometry 0

FlatCAM practical tutorial: silkscreen geometry – Part 4

FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to add a silkscreen.

FlatCAM pratical tutorial Clean non copper area 0

FlatCAM practical tutorial: clean non copper area – Part 3

FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to remove copper islands.