Tagged: EMail

Send email with attachments STM32 boards Gmail SSL 0

STM32 send emails with attachments and SSL (like Gmail): w5500, enc28j60, SD, and SPI Fash

This guide demonstrates how to send emails with attachments from STM32 microcontrollers using SSL encryption, like Gmail. It covers using w5500 and enc28j60 for network connectivity and SD cards and SPI Flash for storage. With detailed setup instructions and coding examples, it enables secure email communication in STM32-based projects.

Send email with attachments Arduino SAMD boards 21

Send emails with attachments: Arduino SAMD boards (WiFiNINA) – 3

I would like to introduce version 2 of the EMailSender library, a great evolution compared to version 1, with support for Arduino with w5100, w5200 and w5500 ethernet devices and enc28J60 clone devices, support for esp32 and esp8266 and finally (from version 2.2.0) support for all Arduino (SAMD) devices using the WiFiNINA library (Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2, Arduino NANO 33 IoT, Arduino MKR 1010 and Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 WiFi etc.). Now you can add attachments also, loaded from storage device like SD or SPIFFS.

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline Debug and notification 0

ABB Aurora web inverter centraline (WIC): debug and notification – 4

I would like to monitor the status of my ABB Aurora inverter (formerly Power One now Fimer). So with a WeMos D1 mini I create a monitoring station with web interface, notifications and more.
Notification is a basic feeature of every monitoring system, here we check how to configure the device to send email with errors.

Send email with attachments esp8266 esp32 library 42

Send emails with attachments (EMailSender v2.x library): esp32 and esp8266 – 2

Today for esp8266 and esp32.
Here I’d like to explain the version 2 of the EMailSender library, a big evolution respect to version 1, with support for Arduino with w5100, w5200 and w5500 ethernet shield and enc28J60 clone devices, and support for esp32 and esp8266.
Now you can add attachments also, loaded from storage device like SD, SPIFFS or LittleFS per esp8266.

Send email with attachments Arduino library 20

Send emails with attachments (v2.x library): Arduino Ethernet – 1

Today for Arduino ethernet.
Here I’d like to explain the version 2 of the EMailSender library, a big evolution respect to version 1, with support for Arduino with w5100, w5200 and w5500 ethernet shield and enc28J60 clone devices, and support for esp32 and esp8266.
Now you can add attachments also, loaded from storage device like SD or SPIFFS.