ESP32 S2 Ai-thinker ESP 12K high resolution pinout and specs
ESP32 S2 Ai-thinker ESP 12K high resolution draw of pinout and specs
ESP32-S2 modules are powerful, generic Wi-Fi MCU modules that have a rich set of peripherals. They are an ideal choice for a wide variety of application scenarios relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable electronics and smart home.
ESP32 S2 Ai-thinker ESP 12K high resolution draw of pinout and specs
ESP32 S2 Saola 1MI high resolution draw of pinout and specs
In the past 2019 new ESP32 board was born, the s2 family. At first only the ESP-IDF platform was supported, but now the version for the Arduino ecosystem is also quite mature, although the official version for the Arduino IDE has not yet been released.