Tagged: esp8266

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using Thonny IDE 0

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using Thonny IDE – 2

Here an article that provides a step-by-step guide for getting started with MicroPython development on the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards using the Thonny IDE. The article covers how to flash MicroPython firmware onto the board and how to connect to the board using Thonny’s MicroPython plugin. Additionally, the article includes an example project that demonstrates how to control an LED connected to the board using MicroPython code.

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using standard tools 0

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and programming with basic tools – 1

This guide focuses on using MicroPython with ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers, two popular choices for IoT and embedded systems. By understanding the standard instruments available with MicroPython, such as Python, esptool, ampy, PuTTY, and screen, you can quickly and easily build projects for these powerful devices. This guide will provide an overview of each tool and how to use them effectively, so you can take full advantage of the capabilities of your ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller.

BNO055 for esp32, esp8266, and Arduino: Gyroscope High Rate and Any Motion Interrupt 0

BNO055 for esp32, esp8266, and Arduino: Gyroscope High Rate and Any Motion Interrupt – 6

This latest article in the series explores how to use the BNO055 sensor with ESP32, ESP8266, and Arduino to achieve gyroscope high rate and any motion interrupt. The BNO055 sensor combines an accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope in one module, making it ideal for accurate orientation tracking.

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) Server software Arduino IDE 0

LoRa remote water level and pump controller (esp8266): server software – 2

I must fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar/battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify the server’s status.
Here, we are going to look at the Server software.

Ebyte LoRa E220 LLCC68 device manage Wake On Radio and sending structured data 4

Ebyte LoRa E220 device for Arduino, esp32 or esp8266: manage Wake On Radio and sends structured data – 5

In this article, we look at the Wake On Radio (WOR), one of the essential features of our Ebyte E220 UART LoRa device based on LLCC68 Wireless Modules.
Then we understand how to manage complex structures that are better optimized than string format data.

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) 0

LoRa remote water tank level and pump controller (ReWaL): intro – 1

I have to fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar/battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify the server’s status.
Here is a little introduction to the project with the list of devices and libraries.