ESP32-wroom-32 ESP32-S programming board and breadboard adapter
I’m going to use the esp32, and the first problem was how to put It on breadboard, so we are going to print an adapter, then I build a PCB to program.
I’m going to use the esp32, and the first problem was how to put It on breadboard, so we are going to print an adapter, then I build a PCB to program.
When I went to use esp12 and esp07, and the first problem was how to put it on the breadboard, luckily I found an adapter developed by tweeto, and that was what I needed, but I would like to make it easier to use, so I redesigned it smaller and added some labels to identify the pins, than I create a PCB to use It as programming board.
I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Now we must solder and assembly the free PCB that I create for this centraline.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to create gcode and show the milling process.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going mill contour.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to add a silkscreen.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to remove copper islands.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here tha isolation of traces.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here an introduction, how to install and import files.
I’d like to renew my cnc for PCB so I decide to create new one from an existing project named Cyclone PCB Factory.
Firmware configuration and milling process.