EByte LoRa E32 Web Manager: description, configure and demo (esp8266, esp32) – 2
I do a lot of projects with EByte LoRa E32, all based on my library “EByte Lora E32 Library“, and a lot of peoples download that, but the tools from EByte are very poor, and sometime buggy.

So I try to create an example that via web support all the configuration features and widgets to test send and receive.
Here the LoRa E32 AliExpress (433MHz 5Km) - AliExpress (433MHz 8Km) - AliExpress (433MHz 16Km) - AliExpress (868MHz 915MHz 5.5Km) - AliExpress (868MHz 915MHz 8Km)
You can divide the application in 2 parts
Back End (like simple gateway)
I wrote 2 back end, one for esp8266 and one for esp32, you can find they on examples of my library “EByte LoRa E32 library“.
You can select to work with the device as Soft AP or you can insert your WiFi SSID and password and use they like normal server, to enable Soft AP you must comment this line
Than if you attach D0 with pull-up resistor to RESET pin I automatically reset the device when needed.
Upload sketch and Web UI
To upload the sketchs you can refer to the tutorial I’v already write:
- esp8266:
- Manage env and upload sketch “WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), pinout, specs and IDE configuration“
- Upload data to LittleFS “WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), integrated LittleFS Filesystem“
- esp32:
- Manage env and upload sketch “ESP32: pinout, specs and Arduino IDE configuration“
- Upload data to SPIFFS “ESP32: integrated SPIFFS FileSystem“
Introduction to the Web UI
The Web UI is multilanguage and have some interesting features, here 2 video one to show the UI in Italian and one in English.
Module information
First widget is a simple panel with device information

In this widget you can find the information about the device attached, now I set all frequencies but only 100 and 1W module.
The most important widget is the configuration one, that I use It con configure and reset the module.

As you can see there are all configuration options of E32 devices, with red button you send a reset command to the module, and with DEFAULT button you load the default values for the device, save to save permanently the configuration.
Send widget
If you want send a message in Trasparent, Fixed or Boradcast you can use the widget in send receive section.
If you had select Transparent option in configuration, the widget have only a tab with Transparent option.

The CHAN is blocked because you can’t change that value.
As default I add a ‘\0’ character to the message to use It as separator in the read of buffer.
If you select Fixed in transmission mode you have two options,
send FIXED message

where you can select CHAN, ADDH and ADDL.
Send BROADCAST message

Receiver widget
Now the widget to receive messages

the E32 receive all the message and put they in the buffer, when you click on START button you start to read message until ‘\0’ character, I use WebSocket to send message to front end, so you don’t need to do refresh every time.
Custom Home Page
I made my own web application with a simple but useful feature, you can click on the heart in the widget and this elements are pinned on homepage and you move or resize they in all pages and if you click on floating save button you can preserve the layout selected for the next access.

Link to Front-End GitHub project
Link to REST API implementations.
- EByte LoRa E32 gateway: manage via REST and WebSocket
- EByte LoRa E32 Web Manager: description, configure and demo
well done what a great job
Thanks Ludophot
You did a great job!
I have two questions, do you have the code without the reactjs framework? (because it is very difficult to read to understand where the useful functions are, such as sending a message or listening to it)
The second question is have you finished the webservice part in the esp code?
PS: the project license information is missing in the data
beautiful day,
Louis P.
Hi planquart,
you can find all the information about the “back-end” in the previous article.
EByte LoRa E32 gateway: gestione REST e WebSocket (esp8266, esp32) – 1
The back-end code is without the Web part in react.
Bye Renzo
Thank you for all of your incredible work here!
I have tried to change the SPFFS Uploader many times.
After SPFFS comment: “Wrote 1441792 bytes (585151 compressed) at 0x00290000 in 11.3 seconds (effective 1019.9 kbit/s)…
Hash of data verified.”
But From serial monitor:
” Not found
On not found
handleFileRead: /test
Path exist : /test
File Not Found: /test
Not found
On not found
handleFileRead: /ts2021
Path exist : /ts2021
File Not Found: /ts2021″
How can I troubleshoot further?
Hi Brandon,
I think the problem is that you want to use folders on SPIFFS, but It doesn’t support them.
Bye Renzo
Is it possible to measure RSSI on LoRa SX1278 LoRa Spread Spectrum Module 433MHz EBYTE E32-433T33D?
Hi Dene,
no for e32 isn’t possible, if you need that feature you must use E22 or E220.
Bye Renzo
Have you planned to also do this for the E220 or can one configure the E220 with it as well? Greetings from Germany and cool work you’ve done there, making it freely available.
Hi Florian,
I start a lot of project (last one the library for E70), but I’ve in program, in the future, to do something similar also for E220, probably with external MQTT server.
Bye Renzo