Design and mill PCB: Easy and Cheap (FlatCam) – Part 3
I write this guide because I think It’s helpful have a starter tutorial to milling PCB in a very simple way and low budget.
Now create GCode file for the CNC
I write this guide because I think It’s helpful have a starter tutorial to milling PCB in a very simple way and low budget.
Now create GCode file for the CNC
I’m going to explain a connection schema for a character display i2c adapter.
Library to use i2c pcf8591 IC with arduino and esp8266.
This IC can control (until 4) analog input and/or 1 analog output like measure voltage, read thermistor value or fade a led.
Can read analog value and write analog value with only 2 wire (perfect for ESP-01).
I try to simplify the use of this IC, with a minimal set of operation.
Library to use i2c pcf8574 IC with arduino and esp8266.
This IC can control (until 8) digital devices like button or led with 2 only pins.
Can read and write digital value with only 2 wire (perfect for ESP-01).
I try to simplify the use of this IC, with a minimal set of operation.
This is an Arduino and esp8266 library for the DHT12 sensor, a very low cost temperature/humidity sensors (less than 1$) that work with i2c or one wire connection