Category: i2c

Arduino i2c protocol 2

i2c Arduino: how to create network, parameters and address scanner

I love the I2C protocol, and when I need a sensor, every time I try to find one with this protocol, I have also written some libraries for various sensors that use I2C.
In this first article, we are going to learn the basics, then how to create a network with our Arduino UNO and MEGA. Arduino has an interesting feature that can work as a Master and as a Slave.

i2c vs SPI vs UART comparison speed distance complexity 0

i2c, SPI and UART compared

I2C, SPI, and UART are protocols that we encounter all the time in this world, but why do we need all these protocols to interconnect external peripherals? Well! The answer is simple because there are many needs to be met, and each protocol has a well-defined scope.

LineaMeteoStazione The Personalized WiFi Weather Station using ESP32 ESP8266 and Attiny85 0

LineaMeteoStazione: The Personalized WiFi Weather Station using ESP32, ESP8266 and Attiny85 with OTA – 4

LineaMeteoStazione is a complete weather station solar powered which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as well as some Davis Instrument components (Rain Gauge, Anemometer) It also can be interfaced with a...


Temperature humidity sensors comparison (Code configuration) Part 2

Wherever I go, peoples asked me why I chose DHT12, and why I spent time to write a library for this small sensor, in this articles I’ll try to give an answer (competitor bmp280, DHT11, DHT22, Dallas and thermistor).
Today the code to get sensors fully working.


Temperature humidity sensors comparison (Specifications) Part 1

Wherever I go, peoples asked me why I chose DHT12, and why I spent time to write a library for this small sensor, in this articles I’ll try to give an answer, and introduce the competitor bmp280, DHT11, DHT22, Dallas and thermistor.
Today the specification of the sensors I use.