Category: REST

esp8266 self OTA update firmware in HTTPS SSL TLS with trusted self signed certificate 0

esp8266 self OTA update in HTTPS (SSL/TLS) with trusted self signed certificate – 3

OTA (Over the Air) update is the process of uploading firmware to an ESP module using a Wi-Fi connection rather than a serial port.
In this article we are going to explain OTA update via HTTPS secure connection, and with a valid self signed certificate trusted from the client.

EByte LoRa E32 Manager REST WebSocket to configure and test esp8266 esp32 0

EByte LoRa E32 gateway: manage via REST and WebSocket (esp8266, esp32) – 1

I do many projects with EByte LoRa E32, all based on my library, and many people download it, but EByte’s tools are very poor and sometimes faulty. So I tried to create a Web manager that also works as a Gateway, here’s how to interface the Back End.

WebServer Esp8266 ESP32 DHT temperature humidity secure Web interface 0

Web Server with esp8266 and esp32: DHT temperature humidity on protected Web Interface – 6

Here a little tutorial to learn how to manage a complete web server via esp8266 esp32 or other arduino like device.
Now a simple project to put all the information you have learned a temperature humidity secure web interface that retrieve data from a DHT12.