3D Printed Modular Holder System: basic elements – 1
For my projects and my family I create a simple modular system for the construction of arms and supports of various kinds. Here I start to put the basic elements to create some solutions.
Electronic, 3D printing and embedded programming
For my projects and my family I create a simple modular system for the construction of arms and supports of various kinds. Here I start to put the basic elements to create some solutions.
ESP32 CAM high resolution draw of pinout and specs
ESP32, a little guide on how to use this low cost but powerful microcontroller with WIFI integrated.
Pinout, specification and IDE configuration to start use your esp32-cam.
Continue the tutorial on “how to build a Ciclop 3D scanner”, in the previous articles we have build the component and assembly they, now we start calibration and testing.
After assembling the basic mechanical components it is now time to assemble and connect all the electronic parts. The assembly documents have disappeared from the net so I’m going to add the documents to this article.
In this article I would like to show my custom PCB for the Ciclop 3D scanner which is fully compatible with the original ZUM.
I’d like to build the famous Ciclop 3D scanner.
In this article I enter all the steps for 3D printing and assembling the structure, I have made some corrections to simplify the process.
The association of social promotion “YellowBox” is about to hold its first contest, related to the project “Meglio Un Uovo Domani” (MUUD) which means “Better An Egg Tomorrow”.
MUUD is a development project for the rural populations of Burundi, extendable to other areas of Africa.
The goal is to guarantee high-tech incubators for eggs to the populations involved.
ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 Lite high resolution pinout and specs
EByte LoRa E32 Manager: Web solution, for esp8266 and esp32, to configure and test LoRa devices